Birth Notes:®ion=0®ionfriendly=Africa&frompage=99
Says Grahamstown not Graaf Reinet
Copy of his father - William Cornelius Van Ryneveld's Death Notice #1367 filed 15 April 1852 in RAB's possession. He is recorded as being 20/21 (illegible) years old on 2 April 1852. Cal 2 Apr 1832.
Copy of Daniel Johannes Van Ryneveld's death notice dated 23 March 1917 in RAB's possession.
Death Notes:®ion=0®ionfriendly=Africa&frompage=99
Copy of Daniel Johannes Van Ryneveld's death notice dated 23 March 1917 in RAB's possession.
Copy of his wife, Anna Christina Wilhelmina Van Ryneveld's, death notice in RAB's possession.

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Occupation. 2,3 Mayor of Graaf Reinet. Chairman of The Board of Executors in Graaf Reinet.
• Web Based Info.®ion=0®ionfriendly=Africa&frompage=99
• General Comment. 2 Reputedly a wealthy man.
• General Comment. 2 He was an attorney and highly regarded in Graaff Reinet. Unfortunately he came to grief financially when the old Cape of Good Hope Bank failed. He was a shareholder, and those were days of unlimited liability, and he lost virtually all he had. However, he recovered, and paid back in full his share of the debts. From 1866 he was a director of the Graaff Reinet Board of Executors for 48 years, including being Chairman for 26 years. He was Mayor of Graaff Reinet from 1882 to 1888. They moved to Cape Town at about the turn of the century.
• Obituary. Extract from Obituary in the newspaper dated March 2, 1917 By the death yesterday of Mr. D.J.van Ryneveld, a representative of one of the finest stocks, one of the best families, which has literally for centuries played a prominent part in South African affairs, was removed from our midst. The late Mr. D.J.van Ryneveld (our Mr. van Ryneveld, we might almost call him) married a daughter of Mr. Berrange, who was himself the Civil Commissioner and RM in succession to Capt W.C.van Ryneveld. Mr. D.J.van Ryneveld was a descendant of a grand old family, a worthy father of worthy descendants. It is of more than passing interest to note that one of his grandsons has carried on the family's military traditions, for Lieut. Neil van Ryneveld is serving his King and Country in France today. Mr. D.J.van Ryneveld followed the legal profession, and successfully practiced here as an attorney for very many years. It is not too much to say that he was a model of the profession, and is remembered with feelings of respect and kindness by all with whom he came in contact. He always retained what must now unfortunately be termed as that"old world" etiquette and courtesy, and was held in the highest honour and esteem by his fellow citizens. In 1862, he was offered the position of Landdrost of Bloemfontein, but this he felt bound to decline as the salary offered was a meagre 400 pounds a year. Always he took a keen interest in public affairs, and it was only the result of an unfortunate street accident, and the burden of his growing years that drove him reluctantly from the active part he had played. In 1866 he became a Director of the Graaff-Reinet Board of Executors, Ltd, a position that he retained until his resgnation on 16th July 1914, and during this period he was Chairman of the Directors from 20th April 1885 to 30th June 1911. In 1882, he was elected Mayor of Graaff Reinet, and was three times re-elected to the Chief Citizenship, his last year of office being in 1887. A good horseman, in his day Mr. van Ryneveld followed with zest the sport of coursing. A few months ago, he met with the misfortune of breaking his leg, and this meant practically total confinement to the house, till his passing yesterday full of years and honour beyond the ken of mortals. The funeral takes place this afternoon at 6 o' clock from the residence in Market Square, and will be largely attended. We tender our sincerest condolences to the bereaved family, the head of which is now removed.
• General Comment. Copy of his father - William Cornelius Van Ryneveld's Death Notice #1367 filed 15 April 1852 in RAB's possession. He is recorded as being 20/21 (illegible) years old on 2 April 1852. Cal 2 Apr 1832.
• General Comment. Copy of his daughter, Chrissy Dutton-Williams', death notice dated 25 July 1941 in RAB's possession.
• General Comment. Copy of his wife, Anna Christina Wilhelmina Van Ryneveld's, death notice in RAB's possession.
• Children.

Daniel married Anna Christina Wilhelmina Berrangé, daughter of Anthony Berrangé and Anna Christina Willemina Brasler, on 19 Feb 1857 in Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape, South Africa. (Anna Christina Wilhelmina Berrangé was born on 11 Feb 1839 in Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape, South Africa 2 and died on 14 Sep 1917 in Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape, South Africa 2.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• General Comment. Married on the same day as George Napper Johannes Van Ryneveld [110] at the same venue.
• Web Based Info.
Says Abt 1856