Birth Notes:
Death Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in her life were:
Web Based Info.
Of interest is the following extract:-
"In consequence of which the aforesaid property was duly inventoried by the undersigned special Commissioners from the Orphan Board, and was found to consist in the following viz:t
A house and erf with the buildings erected thereon situated in this Table Valley at the corner of Boomstreet and Buitekant being a part of n:o 2 three small houses and premises situated as above one the Boomstreet and two in the Coffy Steeg being part of n:o 5 one ward robe one bedstead, feather bed, mattras of horsehair, six pillows, one bowlster and two blanckets two sophas five chairs (defective)
Slaves a female slave named Doortje of the Cape to be manumitted, according to the desire of the deceased a female slave named Leonora of the Cape, 22 years of age to be manumitted, according to the desire of the deceased a female slave named Silvia of Mallabaar 55 years of age a female slave named Philida of the Cape 40 years of age a slave boy named Charles of the Cape 23 years of the Cape to be manumitted according to the desire of the deceased a slave boy named Mentor of the Cape 47 years of age, a cook."
Children. Inventory of the property of Mrs Martha Cornelia van der Riet widow of the late Willem Stephanus van Ryneveld Esq:re relinquished by her death on the 25th day of the month of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six at one oclock in the morning. The deceased having by her last will and testament executed on the 6 February 1815 before the late notary Mr Gerrit Buyskes and witnesses (after having bequeathed several legacies, and made several other disposition, which partly had been duly executed, previous to her demise, in compliance with the directions of the worshipful the Court of Justice dated 14th August 1823 and in conformity to the decision of the Board dated 27 of the same month) appointed her sole and universal heirs her children, namely 1) Daniel Johannes van Ryneveld 2) Maria van Ryneveld married with Charles Napier 3) Willem Cornelis van Ryneveld 4) Anna Maria van Ryneveld widow of George Napier 5) Helperus Ritzema van Ryneveld 6) Johanna Magdalena van Ryneveld married with Robert Crozier 7) Martha Cornelia van Ryneveld married with Jac:s Joh:s Gysb:s van Reede van Oudtshoorn 8) Jan Hendrik Fredrik van Ryneveld and moreover requested and appointed the worshipful Board of Orphan Masters of this Colony to be and to act as her executors
General Comment. Copy of her son - Daniel Johannes Van Ryneveld's Death Notice #5222 filed 10 May 1869 in RAB's possession.
General Comment. Daniel van Ryeneveld of Amsterdam who in 1759 came to South Africa as Asst. in the Service of the East India Company and in May 1777 was appointed as Landrost of Swellendam. He was a Barrister by profession - He was transferred to Stellenbosch as Landrost in 1782 where he died in 1785 - He married Anna Grove 23 August 1761. His son Willem Stephanus christened 24 March 1765 was Chief Justice of the Cape Colony and was married to Martha Cornelia van der Riet - Their son Willem Cornelius van Ryneveld is my grandfather. He was Captain in the 93rd Highlanders and took part in the battle of Waterloo. His brother was in the Navy and was on board the Belerephon when Napoleon was taken to St. Helena. This naval man is Pierre's branch of the family.
From handwritten notes in RAB's possesion.

Martha married Willem Stephanus Van Ryneveld, son of Daniel Van Ryneveld and Anna Grovι, on 12 Aug 1782 in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.1 (Willem Stephanus Van Ryneveld was born in 1765 2,3,4, christened on 24 Mar 1765 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa 1 and died on 14 Aug 1812 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa 1,2,3,4.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
Web Based Info.