Birth Notes:
Copy of Daniel Johannes Van Ryneveld's Death Notice #5222 filed 10 May 1869 in RAB's possession. He was 82 when he died in 1869.
Christening Notes: Witnesses:- The witnesses are to feint to determine exactly. Appears to be Anna Maria Van Der Riet ??? ??? Du Toit
Death Notes:
Copy of Daniel Johannes Van Ryneveld's Death Notice #5222 filed 10 May 1869 in RAB's possession. It records he died in his own house at Stellenbosch.
National Archives of South Africa
VAN RYNEVELD Daniel Johannes Died: 24 Apr 1869 Age at death: 82 jaren 1 maand 5 dagen Buried: 27 Apr 1869, Oude kerkhof Stellenbosch Source: Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Stellenbosch, Western Cape. burial register, 1820-1873, page 259. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch , G2 8/1. Transcribed by Ockert and Sasa Malan.
Burial Notes:
VAN RYNEVELD Daniel Johannes Died: 24 Apr 1869 Age at death: 82 jaren 1 maand 5 dagen Buried: 27 Apr 1869, Oude kerkhof Stellenbosch Source: Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente (NGK), Stellenbosch, Western Cape. burial register, 1820-1873, page 259. Repository: NG Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch , G2 8/1. Transcribed by Ockert and Sasa Malan.

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
Children. I concluded there were two daughters. Maria Josina Magdalena - there is a 100% clear baptism record for her.
Maria Josina Johanna - there are equally clear records for her both in the South African National Archives and in the marriage reports in the press.
It is possible they are one and the same person and she may in fact be Maria Josina Magdelana Johanna Van Ryneveld. I believe there were two daughters and the first one died young. This best fits the evidence given the precision of Maria Josina Magdelana christening record which is beautifully written in a copper plate hand.
Now proven beyond doubt.
Honours, 1827. 4 Presented with the Loving Cup by the residents of Stellenbosch as a mark of esteem and respect.
Web Based Info.
General Comment. 2 1805 - During Batavian Republic. Accompanied his father Willem Stephanus, Pieter Jan Truter and D Huizer to the Commission (western districts?) for the purpose of registering the introduction of wool-bearing sheep.
1807 - Letter from Willem Stephanus to Lord Caledon requesting a position for his eldest son.
1809 - Made deputy Landdrost at Caledon.
1810 - Retained the post till 1810.
1811 - Secretary for the Circuit Court with his father, the Chief Justice and Judges Dienal and Foyel.
1812 - Daniel Johannes married Magdelena Johanna de Wit on 14/06/1812.
1825 - Landdrost of Stellenbosch.
1827 - Presented the Loving Cup of Stellenbosch "by the inhabitants of Stellenbosch, to their worthy Landdrost as a mark of their respect and esteem". Unconfirmed story of the cup was that subsequently Rhodes saw the cup in Rhodesia and bought it back. He then sent it to Daniel Johannes (b. 1833) in Graaff Reinet. It is currently (2003) in the possession of Tony (AJ) van Ryneveld, great grandson of DJ. Tony lent it for display in the Historical Museum at the top of Adderley Street (the old Supreme Court building) for several years and then to the Stellenbosch Museum for several years.
1828 - Made CC (Civil Commissioner) of Stellenbosch for 400 Rixdollars per annum.
1830 - Opened the new Sir Lowry's Pass, replacing the Hottentots Holland Kloof Pass.
1834 - Made RM (Resident Magistrate) and CC (Civil Commissioner) of Stellenbosch when these two roles were combined for Rds 500 per annum.
1855 - Magdelena Johanna died 29.5.1855.
1869 - Daniel Johannes van Ryneveld died aged 82.
Daniel Johannes was known for his hospitality. Ryneveld (later changed in 2002 to van Ryneveld) Street in Stellenbosch was almost certainly named after him.
Will. Last Will and Testament of Daniel Johannes van Ryneveld, born in this colony and living in Stellenbosch. 12th June 1861 (Will filed in 1869) 1. To my daughter Maria Josina Johanna van Ryneveld, married to James Lionel Truter my three houses and Erven in Mosterts Bay, Hottentots Holland, Strand and certain furniture therein of which an inventory is attached. (inventory is missing) The furniture and silver and the silver cup must be handled according to the joint will of the Testator and his deceased wife, dated 28th February 1850. The house at the Strand is still there, and is said to be the first house at the Strand. 2. To my nephew Robert Crozier a piece of ground with a building thereon in Hottentos Holland and for which he must pay into the estate a sum of £50 which is to go to my daughter Maria Josina van Ryneveld. 3. To my grandson Angus John Mackay (from Maria's first marriage) in addition to the £75 left him in the previous Will a further £25, also my gold pocket watch and chain and two (fachetlen) on which my name is engraved. 4. To my grandchild James Lionel Truter (from Maria's second marriage) my silver pocket watch with gold chain and my (scheerkisten met dessels toebehoren) - seakist with content? - and also in addition to the £75 left him in the previous Will a further £25, with the condition that they shall be held in trust for him until his majority or previous marriage. 5. To my niece Martha Crozier a sum of £20. 6. To my nephew Daniel van Ryneveld the sum of £10 and my tobacco jar (tabak doos) on which my name is engraved. 7. To my nephew Robert Crozier my gold pen and my Masonic Decorations and 2 shares in the Omnibus Company, my snuff box (carette snuif doos) and also my (tabel, zerfs enverden toebehoeren) of the Stellenbosch Rifle Corps. Also a sum of £10. 8. To my nephew Dupre Crozier my other tobacco jar with the name Tobias engraved on it. 9. To Maria Crozier minor daughter of my nephew Robert Crozier the sum of £10. 10. To my niece Letitia Napier my shares (aandeel brief) in De Protecteur Bond en Lewens Maatschappy. 11. To the Kerkraad of the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk in Stellenbosch the sum of £20 for the rent and cost of yearly renovations of my vault. 12. To
Johanna Crozier, daughter of his nephew Robert Crozier the sum of £15. 13. To a certain girl Johanna Maria Laurens the sum of £50 with the further stipulation that on the Testators death she shall receive those articles that are enumerated in the will of the Testator's deceased wife, dated 26 November 1851. 14. The Testator also leaves to his daughter Maria Josina Johanna van Ryneveld the sum of £50 and the same to his nephew Robert Crozier. 15. To Miss Younge, the sum of £10. The balance I leave to my daughter Maria Josina Johanna van Ryneveld.
Executors Maria JJ van Ryneveld and Robert Crozier. Note: There is no final liquidation account only several letters from the executors saying they are finding difficulty winding up the estate.
Occupation, 1830. 4 Civil Commissioner of the District of Stellenbosch see Landrost at Stellenbosch.
Van Ryneveld Family Records C.C. (Civil Commissioner) and R.M. (Resident Magistrate) of Stellenbosch.
Copy of Daniel Johannes Van Ryneveld's Death Notice #5222 filed 10 May 1869 in RAB's possession. He is recorded as "Retired Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Stellenbosch."

Daniel married Magdalena Johanna De Wit, daughter of Petrus Johannes De Wit and Maria Josina Horak, on 14 Jun 1812 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa 1.,2 (Magdalena Johanna De Wit was born before 24 Aug 1794, christened on 24 Aug 1794 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa,2 died on 29 May 1855 in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa 2 and was buried on 31 May 1855 in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
Web Based Info.

Daniel next married Lourons on 14 Jun 1812 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa.