Birth Notes:
Christening Notes:
Death Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info.
• Coat of Arms. Charles Bell beeld in sy manuskrip (afb. 171) die wapen af: Gedeel: I. in rooi 'n linker-skuinsbalk van goud; II. in blou 'n dwarsbalk geskakeer in twee rye van rooi en silwer, in die skildhoof vergesel van 'n stralende goue son. Helmteken: 'n swaan van natuurlike kleur.
• Occupation. 2,3 Landrost of Swellendam and Stellenbosch.
According to
Kom in 1759 hier aan as assistent in diens van die V.O.C.; 1777 landdros van Swellendam; 1782 landdros van Stellenbosch
Van Ryneveld Family Records 1779 Landrost of Swellendam 1783 Landrost of Stellenbosch
Extract from the foreword to "van Ryneveld se Aanmerking" by Prof. H.B. Thom
Daniel van Ryneveld came from Amsterdam in 1759 as a young sailor in the service of the Netherlands East India Company. In the same year he received his first promotion when he became Secretary of the Politieke Raad at the Cape. Six months later (1761) he was married in Court to Anna Grove and in 1765 his son Willem Stephanus was born. As an official, Daniel van Ryneveld gave satisfaction to his superiors and it was therefore no surprise that in 1769 he received further promotion being made Bookkeeper to the High Court (aan die Hoofplaas) in which capacity he served until 1777. At the same time he was a Deacon and Elder of the Cape Community. In 1777 he moved to Swellendam where he made Landdrost with the rank of Junior Merchant and where he lived until 1782 when he was transferred to Stellenbosch in the same capacity. He had only been there 3 years when he died in 1785. Note: He was referred to as "Sievr" Daniel van Ryneveld - all Junior Merchants held this title. If Daniel van Ryneveld was a trustworthy, blameless official before he became Landdrost of Swellendam, after that he became like the majority of the highly-placed officials at the Cape in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, guilty of practices which were advantageous to himself but not to the Burgher population. This evil practice, due no doubt to the fact that the Company paid such bad salaries, was extremely widespread. In their well known petition of 1778 the Burghers complained, amongst other things, that the Landdrost of Swellendam had several large farms that he worked in an extensive fashion and that he also sold brandy and wine.
Extract from the petition of 1778 the Burghers (Beyers - Die Kaapse Patrioote 1779 - 1791)
"The present Landdrost possesses a cattle farm and a wine farm and also enjoys the advantage (geniet ook nog die voordeel) of three or four other farms. Thereon he has not alone got a thousand grapevines but also between 400 and 500 cattle which are his personal property. He handles cattle and hides and sells wine and brandy for his own profit. (Hy handel vell met vee en laat selfs vir sy rekening wyn en brandewyn by die verkoop kantiene)"
Extract from Theal's History of South Africa (Before 1795, vol. 3 Page 230)
"During Mr. van Ryneveld's tenure of office the Council of Policy authorised the Landdrost and Heemraden to divide the old Churchyard into building lots and to dispose of them for the benefit of the Church and district. The site of the old Church was alone reserved. It was enclosed by a wall built on the foundations which had not been disturbed since the fire that had destroyed the building in 1710. The alienation of the Cemetery was repugnant to the feelings of many of the inhabitants who threw the blame for the transaction entirely on the Landdrost. Even after his death in 1785 the matter was not allowed to be forgotten and for a couple of generations children in the village heard from their elders tales of a spectral Landdrost doomed at dead of night to bewail the desecration he had committed."
The ghost ! According to "Footloose in Stellenbosch - a visitors guide", he had been dead barely 2 years when someone claimed to have seen his spectre in the churchyard, on horseback and surrounded by his pack of hounds - this in spite of the fact that he lay in sanctified ground inside the church.
• General Comment.
Op bls. 348 van C. Pama se boek staan daar mbt. VAN RYNEVELD, die volgende:
Betekenis: Ryneveldse polder in Suid-Holland (Nederland).
Stamvader: Daniël van Ryneveld, geb. 29.8.1739 in Amsterdam (Nederland), seun van Willem of Guillaume van R. Kom in 1759 hier aan as assistent in diens van die V.O.C.; 1777 landdros van Swellendam; 1782 landdros van Stellenbosch. Oorl. 24.7.1785 op Stellenbosch. Trou 23.7.1761 met Anna Grové (1 kind).
Wapen: Charles Bell beeld in sy manuskrip (afb. 171) die wapen af: Gedeel: I. in rooi 'n linker-skuinsbalk van goud; II. in blou 'n dwarsbalk geskakeer in twee rye van rooi en silwer, in die skildhoof vergesel van 'n stralende goue son. Helmteken: 'n swaan van natuurlike kleur.
• General Comment. Says he was Daniel Jansen Van Ryneveld
Also Says he was Daniel Jansen Van Ryneveld
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 1 page 285.
• General Comment. GISA individual surname Van Ryneveld purchased by RAB Aug 2013.
• General Comment. 2 The Parents of Daniel van Ryneveld According to the joint Will of Daniel van Ryneveld and his wife Anna Grove (filed in the archives under 1784, 1766, Folio 30.62) the parents of Daniel van Ryneveld were Willem van Ryneveld 1707 and Jeanne Marie Rousselet, living in Campe in the year 1763. Anna Grove's eldest sister, Maria Anna Grove (given in the Geslacht Register as Mariana Grove) married in the Colony on the 5th of January 1744, Daniel Rousselet Brousson. He was a bookkeeper in the service of the Company and died in about 1747. This Daniel Rousselet Brousson is given in the Geslacht Register as Daniel Rousselet (or Rousselet Brousson), filed under the Memorials attached to the minutes of the Council of Policy as part of his will, (1748, No 18: 1749 No 25). It seems possible that this Daniel Rousselet (or Rousselet Brousson) was some relation of Daniel van Ryneveld's mother, Jeanne Marie Rousselet and that his presence in the Colony was the reason why Daniel van Ryneveld came to South Africa. In other words Daniel's mother in Holland had relatives in the Cape Colony. Note: Ann Susan Munnik, who was usually pretty accurate, said that the van Ryneveld name was very distinguished in Holland.
Van Ryneveld means flowering meadow as told by Dutch Ambassador to Berlin.
16 Nov 2013 There is no question about the relationship of Daniel Rousselet and Mariana Grove. I researched this independenently and it is so recorded in this database.
• General Comment. 2 Daniel was the first van Rijnevelt to come to South Africa. He came from Amsterdam at the age of 20 in 1759, in the service of the Dutch East India Company. He did well in the Company and was eventually appointed Landdrost at Swellendam in 1777. He lived in the Drostdy, a lovely old Dutch-style homestead, which is now a museum. However, he was poorly paid - 20 guldens or £1.13.4 per month and like many other highly placed officials of the Company he resorted to so-called malpractices, such as farming on a large scale and selling brandy and wine. These were charges leveled against him, as one of the "corrupt officials", in the Burger Petition in 1779. He probably entertained his visitors well, for Joachim van Plettenberg, who was then the Governor of the Cape, spent "een vrolychedag" in his company on the way back from the beacon in the bay that bears his name. In 1782 he transferred to Stellenbosch as Landdrost and died there 3 years later.
• General Comment. Daniel van Ryeneveld of Amsterdam who in 1759 came to South Africa as Asst. in the Service of the East India Company and in May 1777 was appointed as Landrost of Swellendam. He was a Barrister by profession - He was transferred to Stellenbosch as Landrost in 1782 where he died in 1785 - He married Anna Grove 23 August 1761. His son Willem Stephanus christened 24 March 1765 was Chief Justice of the Cape Colony and was married to Martha Cornelia van der Riet - Their son Willem Cornelius van Ryneveld is my grandfather. He was Captain in the 93rd Highlanders and took part in the battle of Waterloo. His brother was in the Navy and was on board the Belerephon when Napoleon was taken to St. Helena. This naval man is Pierre's branch of the family.
From handwritten notes in RAB's possesion.

Daniel married Anna Grové, daughter of Andreas Grové and Anna Nel, on 23 Jul 1761 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa 1.,2 (Anna Grové was born before 26 Jun 1735 and was christened on 26 Jun 1735 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.