Birth Notes:,44975802,49930601,49951601

Sources of information or noted events in her life were:
• Web Based Info.,44975802,49930601,49951601
• Occupation. House-Keeper.,44975802,49930601,49951601

Eileen married Charles Reginald Weakley, son of Joseph George Cottingham Weakley and Ellen Stirk, on 20 Jan 1940 in St. Stephen, Fort Jackson, East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa. (Charles Reginald Weakley was born on 16 Jan 1884 in Cathcart District, Eastern Cape, South Africa and was christened on 21 May 1884 in Cathcart District, Eastern Cape, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.,44975802,49930601,49951601 Witnesses:- Davida J. Field Maxwell Phillips