Birth Notes:
And Says born 1785 in Tyrone, Ireland
Death Notes:
DEATH NOTICE TRANSCRIPTION SHEET Source Location: Cape Town Archives Source: MOOC 6/9/57 Ref No: 1323 Filed On: 20 March 1852 Name of Deceased: Robert Crozier Birthplace: Ireland Nationality: Father: n/s Mother: n/s Age at Death: about 64 years Condition in Life: Late Post Master General of the Colony Ordinary Residence: Marital Status: Married Surviving Spouse: n/s Predeceased Spouses 1 Predeceased Spouses 2 Predeceased Spouses 3 Predeceased Spouses 4 Date of Death: 11 March 1852 Place of Death: 39 Boom Street, Cape Town Place of Last Marriage Children: Alexander William Martha Mary Robert James Dupre
Wednesday 17 March 1852 DIED at Cape Town on Thursday the 11th instant, after a long and painful illness, Robert CROZIER Esq, late Postmaster-General of this Colony, deeply lamented by his relatives and friends. Cape Town, March 16th 1852

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Descendants. He has a descendant J. I. Crozier who lives/lived in Mosselbaai and has a daughter named Cecile born in March 1964.
• Web Based Info.
• Occupation. Post Master General of the Cape Colony.
Van Ryneveld Family Records. He was said to be at the time Private Secretary to the Governor, the Earl of Caledon. Robert Crozier later became Postmaster General to the Cape Colony. According to his death notice, he was born in Ireland. Robert Crozier died in 1852 and was buried in the van Ryneveld family vault on the 12th of March 1852. Other family members buried in the vault at no 79 Somerset Rd were Martha Cornelia van der Riet, Widow of the Chief Justice, presumably the Chief Justice himself, Advocate Helperus Ritzema van Ryneveld and the son of Crozier and Johanna Magdalena, Dupre Crozier (aged 37). Dupre was buried on the 19th of October 1862. Besides Dupre Crozier there were at least two other children of Robert Crozier and Johanna Magdalena van Ryneveld, a son Robert Crozier (who in turn had a daughter Maria) and a daughter Martha. (See Will of Daniel Johannes van Ryneveld, RM of Stellenbosch)
• General Comment. National Archives of South Africa
DEPOT Albany Museum (1820) TYPE Manuscript REFERENCE SM5274 DESCRIPTION Robert Crozier STARTING 1812 ENDING 1846 REMARKS Donor: Mr. RD Crozier, 3 Apr. 1971; 0,007m. SUMMARY + Correspondece referring to Robert Crozier. He was married to Johanna Magdelena van Ryneveld. R Crozier worked at the Post Office and later started a bank. Towards the end of his career his salary was reduced from $600 to $400. Memorials and letters were sent to Glenelg, Caledon, Peel, Stanley and Grey. He was the second Paymaster-General of the Cape.
• General Comment. Crozier, Robert (British Residents) Surname: Crozier, Firstnames: Robert, Notes: 1807-08 clerk, Secretary's Office, the Castle (21). 1.9.08 appointed Cashier, Lombard Bank (76). 1808-20+ Cashier, Lombard & Discount Banks (21). 1809-11 and 1813-15 Acting Postmaster General (21/25). 3.4.12 Lord Liverpool asked Governor Cradock to find him more lucrative employment. 10.11.14 Bathurst repeated request to Somerset, 'Mr C is represented to be a very meritorious public servant' (8/10). 3.2.15 appointed agent to Agricultural Board. 13 Mar 1815 mar. (DRC) of R C of Caledon, co, Tyrone, Ireland, aged 30, and Johanna Magdalena van Ryneveld, aged 19 (24/25/148).
1815-23 game shooting licences (95/97).
1816-20+ at 6 Boom St (22). Bought house & erf, Boom St from Widow Gabriel Exter (TO 1.9.15) (172).
17.12.16 bapt. (Rev. Jones) of their son Alexander William born 30.11.16.
24.03.18 bapt. (Rev. Hough) of their son John Henderson, who died 12.6.19 (25/24/30). 21.11.18 (opgaaf, ward 35) at 6 Boom St, with wife, 2 sons, 6 prize slaves, 1 slave, 1 horse (131). Bought from estate of late H Alexander 2 erfs at Sea Point & Fresnaye (TO 27.11.18)(173).
20.11.20 bapt. of his daughter Martha Mary Johanna (24).
Source: British Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819. Author: Peter Philip 1981. ISBN 0 908396 46 5. Printed by the Citadel Press, Polaris Road, Lansdowne, Cape Province, South Africa.
(*Caledon, County Tyrone, Ire., c. 1785 - †Cape Town, 11.3.1852), Postmaster-General of the Cape Colony, was the son of John Crozier and his wife, Mary Henderson. His father was an ensign in the 29th Regiment from the estate Strathmore near Gilford, County Down, Ulster, and an elder brother of Dr John Crozier of Caledon, County Tyrone. C. came out to the Cape with the Earl of Caledon. on 22.5.1807 and for a month copied dispatches at Government House. On 1.6.1807 he was made 8th clerk in the Colonial Secretariat at the Castle, but was soon promoted cashier of the Discount (Government) Bank and commissioned to run it on English principles of banking at a salary of GBP 225 a year. By 1829 twenty-nine million pounds sterling had passed through his hands without an error at any time in his balances.
On 28.11.1815 C. was also appointed Postmaster-General at a salary of GBP 375 per annum. Working at the top end of the Heerengracht, he occupied one room in the morning as cashier, and another across the courtyard in the afternoon as Postmaster-General. Since he was overworked he gave up the Bank on 1.6.1828 but continued as Postmaster-General at a salary of GBP 600; this was reduced by the new Whig government to GBP 400, and although on 20.6.1834 C. wrote a memorial to have his salary restored, this was only done in 1844 when the Tories came back into power.
In 1815, when he became Postmaster-General, there were only three post offices. C. aimed at establishing one in every town and village of the Colony, and by 1831 there were thirty-one, by 1849 sixty, and in 1852 seventy-six. He also tried to speed up the weekly post to Grahamstown (in 1831 this took 110 hours) and in 1849 initiated a bi-weekly service which by re-routing reduced the time taken to ninety-two hours. In 1827 post was conveyed by annual contractors instead of farmers, and only ten minutes were allowed to change post riders. On 10.4.1851 C. took sick leave, but did not retire until 4.2.1852, possibly to prevent J. Montagu from appointing his son as Postmaster-General. C. made an important contribution to the development of both the banking and postal systems of the Cape. He died after a long and painful illness, and was, according to The Commercial Advertiser (infra), 'the most amiable and universally respected gentleman (who had) filled important offices in the Colony for nearly half a century. This he did faithfully and blamelessly, without offence in public or private life, and enjoyed the confidence and cordial affection of all who knew him'.
C. married Johanna Magdalena van Rijneveld, a daughter of Chief Justice W.S. van Rijneveld, in the NG Kerk, Cape Town, on 13.3.1815. She survived him and died in Cape Town on 18.12.1866. Their son, Alexander William, became Surgeon-General of India; Dupre 1st clerk under his father, and Robert James magistrate of Mossel Bay. In the Cape Town post office there is no picture of C. among the Postmasters-General. He refused in later life to have his photograph taken. R.D. CROZIER Dictionary of South African Biography.

Robert married Johanna Magdelena Van Ryneveld, daughter of Willem Stephanus Van Ryneveld and Martha Cornelia Van Der Riet, on 13 Mar 1815.1 (Johanna Magdelena Van Ryneveld was born before 29 Mar 1795 in , Cape Colony, South Africa 2,3, christened on 29 Mar 1795 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa,1 died on 18 Dec 1866 2,3 and was buried on 20 Dec 1866 in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.