Sources of information or noted events in her life were:
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 2 page 329.
Personalia of The Germans at the Cape. Colin Preotorius page 262.

Hester married Jan Friederich Pricelius.

Hester next married Dr. Honoratus Conrad Maynier on 12 Dec 1745 in NGK, Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa. (Dr. Honoratus Conrad Maynier was born about 1715 in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany and died on 29 Mar 1778 in , Cape Colony, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• General Comment. Personalia of The Germans at the Cape. Colin Preotorius page 262. MAYNIER, HONORATUS CONRAD (S) .-Leipzig . Arr. I741 as so., b. 1743, a physician, resident at Stellenbosch, since about 1752 at Cape Town, surgeon of the militia, asked 1775 for discharge on account of old age; member of Marriage Board. ~(l) 12.12.1745 Anna Christina Bergh (Marr. Reg. of Paarl); (2) 13.7.1766 Hester Nusser, wid. Johann Friedrich Pricelius (q.v.). 11 children. + 29.3.1778. (GMR 1743; Rq. 1743: 90; Stellenbosch Arch., vol. 13, p. 199; C 67, p. 384; G.R, nr. 597; Test, CJ 1088 : 18.)