Sources of information or noted events in her life were:
• Web Based Info.
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 1 page 99. FLECK, JOHANN CRISTOFFEL (S).-Hanau. Son of Johannes Christoffel Fl. and Esther Schwan . Arr. 1735 as corp., truss - maker 1736-45, b. 1746 . A tailor . Lieutenant of burgher-infantry. ~ (1) 12.7.1739 Maria (Heufke), em. sl. of Johannes Heufke, d. of Maria of Malabar (CJ 1079: 16) ; (2) 25.1.1756 Maria Magdalena Rasp, wid. Dirk Ruygrok. 14 children. 22.2.1783 . (GMR 1736-45; Rq. 1746: 44 ; Rq. 1772: 63; G.R. nr. 125; Testaments in Test. O.C. 9:48; CJ 1077: 43; CJ 1079: 16; CJ 1089: 3; CJ 1092: 11, 15, 25; CJ 1098: 33; Test. O.C. 56: 39; Bdlr. 12: 26, according to which his surviving children were Elisabeth, Susanna, Jan Hendrik, Christiaan, Geertruyd Maria, Abraham .) Fleck sent four of his sons to Europe for their education, Johannes Christoffel and Elias in 1757, Johannes and Christiaan in 1765 . Elias studied medicine at Leiden ("Die Unie" 1905, p. 571), Johannes was apprenticed to a watchmaker and Christiaan to a goldsmith , both in Germany . Christiaan, however, went later to Holland to study theology ("Die Unie" 1905, p. 57I) and became minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in Cape Town.

Esther married Johannes Christoffel Fleck.