Birth Notes:
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Christening Notes:
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Death Notes:
And Says died 13 Mar 1718 in Zeeland, Holland.
And Also says died 13 Mar 1718 in Zeeland, Holland.
Death date is uncertain.

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families Vol 3 page 265.
• General Comment. The Slabbert family travelled out from Vlissingen in Zeeland to the Cape on the ship the 'Sion' which left Wielingen (the roadstead south of Vlissingen) on route to Ceylon on 19th May 1699, arriving at Cape Town on 27th October 1699 (notes).
They are noted in the membership register of the church at Stellenbosch, the date being probably between 1698 and June 1700, and then on the 24th Dec. 1704, Floris presented his 'attestaat' to the church at Cape Town.
On 30th March 1713, in reply to a letter from his brother, Pieter Slabber, Floris wrote to his brothers still living in Westkapelle, Walcheren, to say that, in the event of the death of his father-in-law that anything due to him and his wife, they gave to his brother Jeremias Slabbert.
When he made his will in October 1716 he was described as confined to bed with a broken leg.
Floris Slabbert M, #6790, b. 1656 Birth* Floris Slabbert was born in 1656 in Zeeland, .1 Baptism Floris Slabbert was baptized on 7 October 1656 Zeeland, .1 Marriage* He married Huibrecht Jasperse, daughter of Jasper Janse, on 15 April 1684 Zeeland, .1 (Witness) Baptism He and Huibrecht Jasperse witnessed the baptism of Floris Brand on 3 August 1704 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.2 Family Huibrecht Jasperse b. c 1660 Children ?Cornelia Slabbert+ b. c 1685 ?Jasper Slabbert+1 b. c 1690 ?Elisabeth Slabbert+3 b. c 1690 ?Maria Slabbert+3 b. c 1692 ?Gideon Slabbert+4 b. b 31 Jan 1706
Citations 1.[S371] Website Rootsweb's World Connect ( 2.[S645] E-mails from Corney Keller to Delia Robertson, October 2011 "1704, p.36 3 Aug: van Robbert Robbertz en Neeltie Floris, onder getuijgen van Floris Flobber (sic) [Slabber?] en Huygbregt (sic) Jaspers, gent: - Floris [email of 4 Nov 2012]." 3.[S191] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families III S-Z (Cape Town / Amsterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1966), p.874-875. Hereinafter cited as Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families III S-K. 4.[S191] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families III S-K, p. 875. Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Notes SLABBER(T) - oorspronklik gespel SLABBAART en SLABBAERT - was 'n ou voornaam in Vlaandere en Zeeland. Dit kan ook op harringvissery betrekking hãe, want slabber is 'n ou naam vir haring. Die egpaar bring uiteindelik 10 kinders in die lewe waarvan 5 van die kinders in Meliskerke op die eiland Walcheren in Zeeland gedoop word. Die gesin SLABBERT kom in 1699 in Suid-Afrika aan, nadat Huibrecht nog op 11.1.1699 as doopgetuie by die doop van Pieter, seun van haar broer te Aagtekerke opgetree het en voordat hulle oudste dogterNeeltje op 21.11.1700 aan die Kaap in die huwelik tree met Robbert BRAND. Die presiese datum van aankoms asook die naam van die skip is nog onbekend. Om een of ander rede handig Floris eers op 22.12.1704 dus ongeveer 5 jaar na sy aankoms in die Kaap, sy attestaat in die Kaap in. Oor sy beroep is daar op daardie stadium maar weinig bekend. In Februarie 1716 onderteken Floris egter as vryburger en boer saam met ander boere 'n versoek aan die Kommissaris om die graanprys te verhoog. Volgens 'n aantekening woon Floris SLABBERT in 1713 "bij den Tijgersberg, vijf uren gaans van de Cab de Bon Esperance". Die plaas se naam was Conterman's Kloof en hy het die plaas in 1706 ontvang. Notes "">
Arriveer in 1699.
The children are given here in the order which seems logical. We lack baptismal
information only for Johanna and Jasper, but Johanna was married on 2nd April
1702 at Stellenbosch, and Jasper's first child was baptised 30th July 1713, so
that placing them second and third seems reasonable.
The Slabbert family travelled out from Vlissingen in Zeeland to the Cape on the
ship the 'Sion' which left Wielingen (the roadstead south of Vlissingen) on route
to Ceylon on 19th May 1699, arriving at Cape Town on 27th October 1699
They are noted in the membership register of the church at Stellenbosch, the
date being probably between 1698 and June 1700, and then on the 24th Dec.
1704, Floris presented his 'attestaat' to the church at Cape Town.
On 30th March 1713, in reply to a letter from his brother, Pieter Slabber, Floris
wrote to his brothers still living in Westkapelle, Walcheren, to say that, in the
event of the death of his father-in-law that anything due to him and his wife,
they gave to his brother Jeremias Slabbert.
When he made his will in October 1716 he was described as confined to bed
with a broken leg.
• Land. National Archives of South Africa.
DEPOT Wits University Library TYPE Manuscript REFERENCE A126 fol DESCRIPTION WA van der Stel STARTING 1706 ENDING 1706 REMARKS Ms. SUMMARY Willem Adriaan van der Stel (1664-1723), Governor of the Cape. Original deed of transfer of land to Floris Slabbert.
• Will. Dated 1716 and filed in 1732.
• Occupation. Farmer at Contermans Kloof, Tigerburg.
• Children. They had at least 9 children. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neeltje Slabbert born 1685 born 1685, Meliskerke baptized 29 April 1685, Meliskerke, Walcheren, Zeeland married 21 November 1700 Cape Town Robbert Robbertsz Brand died before 1730 quartermaster in the employ of the Dutch East India Company (1699)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jannetje Slabbert 8 born Zeeland 9
Notes: no baptism found
married 2 April 1702 Stellenbosch 11 Pieter Andries Sax 10 died before 1727
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jasper Slabbert died before 1764 born Middelburg 12 died before 1764 13
Notes: In 1745 he petitioned the Council of Policy for the freehold of the cattle farm which he currently held on loan, called 'Thee Fontein', near the Uylekraal, towards Swartland.
(from: H.C.V.Leibbrandt, Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Requesten (Memorials) volume 3, page 1065)
The inventory, dated September 1764, drawn up after the death of Pieter Slabbert, his brother, names him as the late Jasper Slabbert, and give his surviving heirs as his children Maarten Slabbert, Johannes Slabbert, Maria Slabbert the wife of Theunis Scalkwijk and the children of his daughter Huijbregtje Slabbert, deceased wife of Gerrit Cloete Jacobsz:
married 26 June 1712 Cape Town 15 Johanna Meijburg 14 born circa 1693, at the Cape 16
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lijsbeth Slabbert 1691-circa 1771 born 1691, Middelburg, Zeeland baptized 15 April 1691, Meliskerke, Walcheren, Zeeland died circa October 1771 married 3 March 1709 Cape Town Jacobus Smit 17 born circa 1693 farmer of Uylekraal, Swartland
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maerten Slabbert born 1694 born 1694 18 baptized 24 October 1694, Meliskerke 19
Notes: He presumably died before the birth of his brother also named Maarten who was baptised July 22, 1696 at Meliskerke.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maerten Slabbert 1696-circa 1713 born 1696 20 baptized 22 July 1696, Meliskerke 21 died circa 1713 buried 1713, Stellenbosch 22
Notes: There is no mention of him in the Distribution Receipt of the estate of the deceased Floris Slabbert, but there is a record of burial fees having been paid for a Maarten Slabbert to the Stellenbosch Congregation in 1713, the year that many people died at the Cape during the smallpox epidemic.
(MOOC 8/5, 64 - no date, but filed with other inventories of 1727-31) (Verlore Dokumentasie oor die Gemeente Stellenbosch van 1689 tot 1725, by Ockert Malan, in Capensis ... )
Children Cornelia Slabbert+ b. c 1685 Jasper Slabbert+1 b. c 1690 Elisabeth Slabbert+3 b. c 1690 Maria Slabbert+3 b. c 1692 Gideon Slabbert+4 b. b 31 Jan 1706 Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
And And Lists 11 Children.
1. Maria (Maatje) Slabbert 1692-1774 2.Lijsbeth Slabbert < 1691-1771 3.Maarten Slabbert 1694-1695 4.Maerten Slabbert 1696-1713 5.Matien Slabbert 1698-???? 6.Pieter Slabbert 1701-1730 7.Gideon Slabbert 1706-1729 8.Cornelia (Neeltje) Slabbert 1685-1720 9.Jasper Slabbert 1681-???? 10.Jasper Slabbert 1689-1726 11.Elisabeth Slabbert 1691-????
• Web Based Info.
• Travel. He came to South Africa in 1699.

Floris married Huijbregtje Jasperz, daughter of Jasper Janse and Neeltje Pietersen, on 15 Apr 1684 in Aagtekerke, Zeeland, Netherlands. (Huijbregtje Jasperz was born in 1660 in Aagtekerke, Zeeland, Netherlands, christened in , Zeeland, Netherlands and died in 1729 in , Cape Colony, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.