Birth Notes:
Death Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info.
• Obituary. Marshall Jean de Meillon \endash our beloved son
When someone dies people always talk about the pain, the unrelenting, overwhelming, endless pain that accompanies the loss of a loved one \endash I can affirm that it's true, it is harsh, intense and so, so debilitating \endash especially the loss of a child \endash a much-loved child, my child, my son that still had so much to give and so much life left to live. My son Marshall Jean de Meillon \endash was born on 13 March 1985 and was a mere 10 days away from his 27th birthday when he tragically died from an accidental drug overdose. He was due to go back to rehab on Monday 05th March but sadly he was taken away before he got to fight one last time against the evil that finally snatched him away from us.
How I miss you, my darling son Marshall. My precious only son, my first born child: I miss your smile with the dimple in your cheek, formed by that rugby injury and your deep infectious laugh when something really amused you. Your deep blue eyes always filled with mischief and fun. Your red hair that you never liked and I adored because it declared you were mine and that the Celtic genes ran true. Your grandfather Marshall, was also so proud of you\endash his first grandchild \endash he loved you so, so much, your Jeppe mates even nicknamed you Oros because of your hair colouring.
As a parent you watch your child go through a range of stages and each one brings with it challenges and parental angst \endash Marshall when you grew from a tiny little bundle of joy in my arms to a toddler I missed your total dependence on me for all things. Then as you grew from toddler to young child I missed watching you take on the world in your superman suit conquering dragons and other magical monsters as you galloped about. You always believed you were invincible and that nothing could or would ever harm you. Then as you morphed from a child into a teen I missed reading you Roald Dahl in bed and imagining wild and wonderful worlds far more interesting than our mundane reality here on earth. All too soon you were moving from teen into young adulthood and I missed those arguments where I still tried to imprint on your soul my maternal hopes, dreams and desires for you. I missed watching you ride your bike or raid the fridge for enough food to feed ten \endash but that barely fed you my one son.
Then as a young adult you left home and I missed the daily chaos that defined your presence in our home, the sound of your voice, your smell, and the space that you filled in our family dynamic. I missed being able to check in on you as I passed your room at night to go to sleep. I missed the sense that my family was safe and complete. Sadly it was in your late teens and early adulthood that you were seized by the demons of addiction and soon you started a long and painful battle to try and overcome the evil that took control of your soul and had a huge impact on everyone close to you. You tried so hard and relapsed many times but you kept on trying to conquer the addiction, always believing that this time it would work. During this dreadful, challenging time I missed you my son, my Marshall. My child that was mine before the drugs took hold \endash I missed you so, so much. I wanted you back \endash no matter what.
We all grappled with the crisis for so long \endash but you always struggled the most as it dominated your daily life. Finally I chose to exercise tough love to let you know we would not accept the drugs in our lives or in yours and we only would deal with you, our missing son when you were drug free. It was so hard and I missed you every day of this phase \endash but then you mailed last December and said you were doing so well and had been clean for so long \endash you seemed to be getting back on track. I was overjoyed as I did not need to miss you anymore. I could get my son back. It was wonderful to hear from you after 9 months of silence.
When you reconciled with us all, we were all so overjoyed. You were back \endash drug free and happy. The family was getting back together again, we were able to heal and bond over several months as you continued your journey to a clean life with the woman you loved and wanted to marry\endash Bernadette, your very own Earth angel that over the past three years has taken you in and held and healed you and loved you no matter what, and your precious adopted child Tashlyn: she was your eternal source of pride and delight. I constantly heard about this awesome woman that filled in all the empty spaces in your heart and I was so happy for you. I knew you would be okay \endash Bernie would see to that and she did. Together, and walking with the Lord and with your precious Tashie \endash you would be okay \endash you would get through, you would conquer your demons \endash I never doubted that … but somehow in the midst of all joy this I missed your silent call for help as you sought one last time to numb an inner pain, a pain I could not begin to understand - I missed your silent cry as you slipped away early on Saturday, 3rd March 2012.
On that day you slipped into the arms of Our Heavenly father and He was there to receive you. My precious Marshie you went to Heaven too soon\endash but be rest assured my child the Lord did not miss your cry for help. He was there for you and He will heal you and make you whole once more.
So while we stay behind and miss you desperately we will continue to pray for you and treasure all the memories that have forged our family history. Marshall be assured that Dad, Bronwyn, Heather, Bernie and Tashlyn and I will keep your memory alive forever for all those that love you here on earth. We will find solace each day knowing that you died in faith and that one day we will all be reunited with you in God's kingdom along with our other beloved family and friends that have gone before us to the Lord's house.
We are sending you all our love and prayers. This is not goodbye but just a farewell until we meet again our darling Marshall.

Marshall had a relationship with Bernadette Francois.
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.