Birth Notes:
Death Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info. Name: Kilpin, Augusta Place Of Birth: Mowbray Age Of Deceased: 91 years 1 month Place Of Residence: Seaward Hermanus Date Of Death: 19 March 1947 Place Of Death: Seaward Hermanus Surname Of Father: Pilkington First Name Of Father Of Deceased: George William Details Of Father Of Deceased: Deceased Mother Name: Pilkington, Mary Mothers Maiden Name: Berry Details Of Mother: Widow Marital Status Of Deceased: Deceased Place Of Marriage: Sea Point Deceased Previous Spouse Surname: Kilpin Previous Spouse First Names: Sir Ernest Previous Spouse 1 Date Of Death: 10 December 1931 Previous Spouse 1 Death Details: Ref. 32382 Child 1 Name: Kilpin, Ernest Tyrell Child 2 Name: Kilpin, Cecil Fuller Child 3 Name: Kilpin, Ralph Pilkington Child 4 Name: Kilpin, Denis Pilkington Left Will: yes Propertytype: Movable & Immovable Dated On: 21 March 1947 Signed At: Kenilworth Death Notice Signed By: D P Kilpin Signed Capacity: Son at place of death Source: MOOC Volume Number: 6/9/13792 Reference Number: 1397/47 Location: Cape Town Source Location: National Archives Collection Name: Death Notices Records
• General Comment. Historical information relating to Sir Ernest Kilpin
Born in Reading, May 5, 1854, being the only son of the Reverend S W Kilpin, who died Aug 6, of the same year. He was educated at private schools in Weymouth and Reading, and entered the Cape Civil Service in London in 1874, being shortly placed in charge of the West of England and South Wales District for the purpose of obtaining and forwarding to the Cape large numbers of the artisans required for the construction of public works. In 1876 he went to Cape Town as Private Secretary, to Sir Charles Mills, then Under Colonial Secretary, and when Sir Gordon Sprigg first took office (Feb 5, 1878) during the Kaffir War, he sent for Mr Kilpin to join him on the frontier as his Private Secretary For some months he resided in King William's Town, and organised and carried on there a Colonial Secretary's Office in miniature. During the next two years Mr Kilpin accompanied Sir Gordon Sprigg on many tours of inspection through the Colony; attended him during the negotiations in Kimberley in regard to the annexation of Griqualand West to the Cape, and was with him at the great Disarmament Pitso in Basutoland, and at the siege of Morosi's Mountain. In 1886 he was appointed Clerk Assistant of the House of Asscmbly, and was elected Clerk of the House in 1897. When Sir Thomas Scanlen was Prime Minister in 1883 he obtained Mr Kilpin's services as Private Secretary for a visit to Basutoland in the effort to secure a satisfactory settlement of that territory, which at that time was annexed to the Cape. He has been Secretary, of the following Cape Government Commissions: Dorthesia, 1877; War Expenditure, 1881; Liesbeek Municipality, 1883; Diamond Laws, 1887; Liquor Laws, 1889; Lighthouses, 1890; Fisheries, 1892; Scab, 1893; Defence, 1896. He was Secretary, of the Imperial British and German Joint Commission on Angra Pequena and West Coast Claims in 1885, for which inquiry HMS Sylvia was specially detached and fitted up, proceeding up the coast as far as Walfisch Bay. He has been Examiner in Shorthand under the Cape Civil Service Commissioners since that paper was first set in 1889; is proprietor and Editor of the Cape Civil Service List, which he instituted in 1885; author of the Parliamentary Agent's Manual (Cape) 1902, and is a JP for the whole Colony. He married, in 1880, Augusta (Lady of the Royal Red Cross, 1902), daughter of G W Pilkington, of Cape Town.
• Children. Ernest KILPIN (1881-1970) Cecil Fuller KILPIN (1884-1956) Ralph KILPIN (1887-1955) Denis KILPIN (1893-1980)

Ernest married Augusta Pilkington, daughter of George William Pilkington and Mary Berry, in 1880. (Augusta Pilkington was born calculated 19 Feb 1856 and died on 19 Mar 1947 in Hermanus, Cape Province, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.