Birth Notes: Name: van Ryneveld, Halpearus Alfred Date Of Birth: 08 May 1928 Date Of Baptism: 06 June 1928 Abode: 3 Alma Rd Rosebank Quality Trade Or Profession: Booking Clerk SARys Father Name: , Frederick Mother Name: van Ryneveld, Dorothy Name Of Witness 1: Richards, John Name Of Witness 2: , The father Name Of Witness 3: Cilliers, Gertrude Church: St Pauls Rondebosch Surname Of Minister: Webster First Name Of Minister: WG Collection: St. Pauls Rondebosch Baptisms 1855 - 1952 Entry Number: 6891 Page Number: 254
Christening Notes: Name: van Ryneveld, Halpearus Alfred Date Of Birth: 08 May 1928 Date Of Baptism: 06 June 1928 Abode: 3 Alma Rd Rosebank Quality Trade Or Profession: Booking Clerk SARys Father Name: , Frederick Mother Name: van Ryneveld, Dorothy Name Of Witness 1: Richards, John Name Of Witness 2: , The father Name Of Witness 3: Cilliers, Gertrude Church: St Pauls Rondebosch Surname Of Minister: Webster First Name Of Minister: WG Collection: St. Pauls Rondebosch Baptisms 1855 - 1952 Entry Number: 6891 Page Number: 254
Death Notes:
And He died of heart failure.

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Estate. Estate # 1801/91
• Occupation. 10 Property Development Manager at Old Mutual.
• General Comment. 2 Per Old Mutual magazine "Property Profile", Oct 1989. Pierre was born in Cape Town and matriculated at Rondebosch Boys High in 1945. Hje studied architecture at UCT , the city in which he worked with a number of architectural practices until 1952, when he transferred to Johannesburg During 1962 he graduated with a B.Comm Admin from UNISA, having majored in industrial psychology and ecenomics. This led to his leaving the architexctural fraternity and working in the managerial field of construction and specialist subcontracting industry. He joined Old Mutal Properties in 1977 and worked his way up to Divisional Manager. While with OMP he pioneered the pre-planning concept in property development and wrote numerous training documents on the subject. He is a founder member of the Institute of Personnel Management and is vice Chairman of the Joint Building Contracts Committee. Besides a highly successful and diversified professional career, Pierre has devotd 41 years of his life to the Boy Scout movement. When he retired from the movement in 1980, he was director of adult training for southern zone of Africa. He and his wife Amanda have two children, Bruce (b 1964), an electronics engineer with the Air Force, and Deborah (b 1966), a primary school teacher, and remedial therapist at The Ridge School.

Helpaerus married Amanda Joan King, daughter of Maj. Wallis Lovell King M. I. E. E. and Joyce Mary Steer, on 2 Apr 1955 in St. Francis of Assisi, Parkview, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. (Amanda Joan King was born on 13 Nov 1932 in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.,52325201,57166101,57186401 Witnesses:- G.N.E.Armstrong W.L. King S. Carey