The Beaumont Project
Van Ryneveld and Weakley Family Tree







Johan Willem Herold
(Abt 1753-)


Johan Willem Herold

  • Born: Abt 1753, Hebbe, Hessen, Germany
  • Marriage (1): Elisabeth Van Dijk on 3 Jan 1779 in , Cape Province, South Africa
Family Links


1. Elisabeth Van Dijk

(+ Shows person has known children.)

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Birth Notes:

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Sources of information or noted events in his life were:

• Children. They had 11 children see

• Web Based Info.

De stamvader van doze familie was Johan Willem Herold, van Hebel, die naar Zuid Afrika kwam als ziekentrooster in dienst van de Oost Indische Compagnie, en is alhier, 3 Januari 1779, gehuwd met Elisabeth van Dijk.

(b) Kinders

1) Anna. Elisabeth, gedoopt 21 November 1779, gehuwd met Paul Roux
2) Johanna, gedoopt 17 July 1781, gehuwd met Rijno Johannes van der Riet
3) Jan Hendrik, gedoopt 13 Apri1 1783
4) Charlotta Louisa, gedoopt 5 September 1784
5) Florentina Wilhelmina, gedoopt 16 October 1785
6) Elisabeth Wilhelmina, gedoopt 25 Februari 1787
7) Tobias Johannes, gedoopt 17 Augustus 1788, bedienaar Van Gods woord te Stellenbosch, gehuwd met Louisaa Adriana Hoorn, hertrouwd met Aletta Catharina Reitz, weduwee van Advocaat Josua Joubert.

(c) Kinders

1) Catharina Johanna, geboren 1 September 1812, gehuwd met Jan Yeindert Alberts, hertrouwd met Jacob P. Deneijs
2) Elisabeth Wilhelmina, geboren 24 Mei 1816, gehuwd met Panl Andries van der Bijl
3) Willem Johannes, geboren 2 L April 1818, gehuwd met RiJkie Catharina Oloote, hertrouwd met Catharina Hendrina Loubser, weduwe van Jan Andries Roux.

(d) Kinders

1) Tobias Johannes van Dijk, geboren 23 Januari 1842, gehuwd met Helena van der Pool

(e) Kinders

1) Albertus Johannes
2) Rijkje Catharina
3) Tobias Johannes
4) Francis William

2) Anna Elisabeth, geboren 12 Januari 1845, gehuwd met Jan Linde Beijers
3) Louisa Adriana, geboren 15 Maart 1848, gehuwd met den eerwaarden Johannes Nicolaas Vlok
4) Dirk Cloete, geboren 8 Mei 1850
5) WiIlem Johannes, geboren 29 Maart 1861
6) Louis Adriaan, geboren 26 April 1869

4) Charlotta Louisa, geboren 17 Augustus 1820, gehuwd met Adriaan Jaoobus Louw
5) Johanna Rijnoldina, geboren 18 Mei 1825, gehuwd met Philippus Albertus Mijburgh
6) Tobias Johannes, geboren 8 Juli 1835
7) Aletta Catharina - jong gestorven
8) Dirk - jong gestorven
9) Francis William, geboren 11 Juli ...... , civiele oommissaris te Stcllenbosob, gehuwd met Aletta Barry

8) Maria Sophia Hendrina, gedoopt 9 December 1790, gehuwd met Johannes Werndly van der Riet
9) Jan Wilhelm, gedoopt 16 September 1792
10) Elisabeth Petronella, gedoopt 17 November 1793, gehuwd met Jacobus Petrus Roux
11) Wilhelmina Johanna, gedoopt 7 Mei 1797

• General Comment. HEROLD, JOHANN WILHELM (S).-Hebei in Hesse . Sick-comforter at Cape Town since 1778 . ~ 3.1.1779 Elisabeth v. Dyk, d. of Tobias v. Dyk and Anna Hugo . 11 children. (Test . CJ 1102 :63 ; G.R . nr. 178 . )
Personalia of the Germans at the Cape - Colin Pretorius page 153.

Family Tree Divider

Johan married Elisabeth Van Dijk on 3 Jan 1779 in , Cape Province, South Africa. (Elisabeth Van Dijk was born in 1753 and died in 1791.)

bullet  Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:

• Web Based Info.


Family Tree Divider

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info There will inevitably be errors and omissions and the whole purpose of creating this online record, is to invite feedback and corrections.
The data is specifically for non-commercial use and my clear intention is to build family records. The data may, therefore, not be used in any way for the purposes of financial gain.

Caveat:- Throughout the project UK GRO birth, marriage and death index data appears. The GRO data appears in Quarters. Q1 = January, February and March, Q2 = April, May, June , Q3 = July, August and September and Q4 = October, November and December. Similarly, Mar Q = January, February and March, Jun Q = April, May, June , Sep Q = July, August and September and Dec Q = October, November and December. Where these dates occur, they represent the date of Registration of the event rather than the date of the actual event. Logically, registration occurs AFTER the event. In some cases this may be days or months or even years after the event. The important thing is that the event was recorded and a copy of the document of registration could be obtained if necessary. This also applies to South African NAAIRS records.

Similarly, the UK system is confusing to the uninitiated because registration districts can span several counties. Accordingly GRO locations may not record the true location of the event. They do record where the record is actually kept or recorded.

Caveat #2:- I have used URL's throughout the website as sources. The URLs are often from paid subscription sites so you may not be able to access them without an account. Inevitably there are broken URL's. I have been to every URL recorded here and at the time they were operational. In this regard, the Ancestry24 records are a problem. There are numerous references in the South African data citing Ancestry24 records. Unfortunately Ancestry24 has closed down and these records are no longer available on line.

The early South African records on this site would not have been as good as they are without the work done by Delia Robertson. Where there are website addresses containing I record the citation should read Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. This website can be found at First Fifty Years

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