The Beaumont Project
Van Ryneveld and Weakley Family Tree





Baron Pieter Cornelis Van Rheede Van Oudtshoorn
Baroness Sophia Catharina Boesses
Baron William Ferdinand Van Rheede Van Oudtshoorn


Baron William Ferdinand Van Rheede Van Oudtshoorn

  • Born: 14 May 1755, , Cape Province, South Africa
  • Marriage (1): Susanna Margaretha Van Schoor on 26 Mar 1774 in , Cape Province, South Africa
  • Marriage (2): Gesina Kirsten on 11 Mar 1777 in , Cape Province, South Africa
  • Died: 28 Apr 1822, , Cape Colony, South Africa aged 66 2
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bullet  Christening Notes:

bullet  Death Notes:

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Sources of information or noted events in his life were:

• Children. Father of:-
Pieter Adriaan van Reede van Oudtshoorn
1) Sophia Frederica van Reede van Oudtshoorn
2) Johan Frederik van Reede van Oudtshoorn
3) Pieter Adriaan van Reede van Oudtshoorn
4) Johanna Catharina Hendrina van Reede van Oudtshoorn
5) Sophia Cornelia Adriana van Reede van Oudtshoorn
6) William Ferdinand van Reede van Oudtshoorn
7) Johanna Egberta van Reede van Oudtshoorn
8) Lieve Marthinus Izaak van Reede van Oudtshoorn
9) Anna Catharina van Reede van Oudtshoorn
10) Philippus Hermanus van Reede van Oudtshoorn
11) Egbert Bernhard Adolph van Reede van Oudtshoorn
12) Barend Frederik Hendrik van Reede van Oudtshoorn
13) Gesina Susanna Margretha van Reede van Oudtshoorn
14) Jacobus Johannes van Reede van Oudtshoorn
15) Geesje Ernestina Johanna van Reede van Oudtshoorn

• Web Based Info.

• Namesake. The van Oudtshoorn Family
The founder of the family in South Africa was Johannes' Grandfather: Pieter van Reede van Oudtshoorn, described in the Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Memorials) as Pieter, Baron van Reede, Lord of Oudtshoorn. In the Geslacht Register he is described (when he came out to SA in 1741) as the eldest son of a Nobleman in Holland.
Pieter van Reede van Oudtshoorn came to the Cape in 1741 as Independent Fiscal who was only beholden to the Council of Seventeen in the D.E.I.C. The 1760 he became Secunda (i.e. Assistant and 2nd to the Governor) but in 1766 he returned to Europe on leave of absence to attend to his private affairs, leaving his children behind. In 1767 a dispatch from the Directors was received announcing that Mr., then Baron, van Oudtshoorn has resigned (Theal Vol 3 pg 123) on the death of the Governor Ryk Tulbach.
Baron van Oudtshoorn having again applied for employment at the Cape was appointed Governor and left for the Cape but took ill and died at sea. The body was embalmed and placed in a lead coffin and brought to the Cape and buried in State under the pavements of the Church. The flagstones which covered the pavements were taken up when the building was enlarged and are now attached to the East wall of the Church.
His second son, William Ferdinand van Reede van Oudtshoorn, born in 1775, must have gone to Holland to be educated. When his father was appointed Governor, The Seventeen appointed William Ferdinand Bookkeeper so he could act as Private Secretary to his father. He therefore reached the Cape on the ship in which his father died, the Asia. He was made Private Secretary to his father's successor, Governor van Plettenburgh. Later he received the rank of Junior then Senior Merchant and became superintendent of the Timber Stores. In his son's (Johannes Gybertus' death notice he is referred to as Baron van Oudtshoorn). Jacobus Johannes Gysbertus van Reede van Oudtshoorn was his 15th child born in 1791. He married the Fiscal's daughter Martha Cornelia van Ryneveld .
Pieter, Baron van Reede, Lord of Oudtshoorn was married to Sophia Boesses. In the Precis of the Archives she is described as Lady van Oudtshoorn, Gnephoek and Ridderburt. Her Will was drawn up in Stellenbosch.

Van Reede van Oudtshoorn Family Tree (from the Geslacht Register)
(a)Pieter van Reede van Oudtshoorn married Sophia Boesses
(b)7th child and 2nd son (eldest son had 5 sons)
William Ferdinand 1755 married Gesina Kisten (not called "Baron" in son's death notice)
(c)15th child Jacobus Johannes Gysbertus van Reede van Oudtshoorn married Martha Cornelia Emilia van Ryneveld (1796 - 1843)
(d)Martha Cornelia Emilia van Ryneveld married Theodore Ahrens M.D.
Goert (1812) (known as David) married Charlotte Blake
Soldelina (Helena) van Saarsveld married Thomas Hendrik Dreyer
The death notice of Jacobus Johannes Gysbertus van Reede van Oudtshoorn says: 17 April 1843. At Wynberg. Aged 46. Condition, gentleman. Married Martha Cornelia van Ryneveld. Parents Baron William Ferdinand van Reede van Oudtshoorn

Lady Anne Barnard says that some of the ladies of the Cape, especially in Government circles thought that she was too fond of inviting the rag tag and bobtail to her parties and that there were certain people that one ought to know socially. Lady Anne's comment to this: "I know of no greater superiority at the Cape one person has over another, except the Baron van Oudtshoorn, who is bold of seven tails."

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William married Susanna Margaretha Van Schoor on 11 Mar 1777 in , Cape Province, South Africa. (Susanna Margaretha Van Schoor was born on 19 Jul 1750 in , Cape Province, South Africa and died on 18 Sep 1776 in , Cape Province, South Africa.)

bullet  Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:

• Web Based Info.

Family Tree Divider

William next married Gesina Kirsten on 11 Mar 1777 in , Cape Province, South Africa. (Gesina Kirsten was born on 27 Jul 1756 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa and died on 12 Jul 1817 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa.)

bullet  Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:

• Web Based Info.

Family Tree Divider

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info There will inevitably be errors and omissions and the whole purpose of creating this online record, is to invite feedback and corrections.
The data is specifically for non-commercial use and my clear intention is to build family records. The data may, therefore, not be used in any way for the purposes of financial gain.

Caveat:- Throughout the project UK GRO birth, marriage and death index data appears. The GRO data appears in Quarters. Q1 = January, February and March, Q2 = April, May, June , Q3 = July, August and September and Q4 = October, November and December. Similarly, Mar Q = January, February and March, Jun Q = April, May, June , Sep Q = July, August and September and Dec Q = October, November and December. Where these dates occur, they represent the date of Registration of the event rather than the date of the actual event. Logically, registration occurs AFTER the event. In some cases this may be days or months or even years after the event. The important thing is that the event was recorded and a copy of the document of registration could be obtained if necessary. This also applies to South African NAAIRS records.

Similarly, the UK system is confusing to the uninitiated because registration districts can span several counties. Accordingly GRO locations may not record the true location of the event. They do record where the record is actually kept or recorded.

Caveat #2:- I have used URL's throughout the website as sources. The URLs are often from paid subscription sites so you may not be able to access them without an account. Inevitably there are broken URL's. I have been to every URL recorded here and at the time they were operational. In this regard, the Ancestry24 records are a problem. There are numerous references in the South African data citing Ancestry24 records. Unfortunately Ancestry24 has closed down and these records are no longer available on line.

The early South African records on this site would not have been as good as they are without the work done by Delia Robertson. Where there are website addresses containing I record the citation should read Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. This website can be found at First Fifty Years

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