Birth Notes:
Death Notes:
Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info.
• Web Based Info. Also known as: Phillip de Alterer (Phillip the elder); Naudäus
Born in Metz.
French Huguenot refugee to Berlin 1687. (See: extracts from "Memoirs")
•Page to a prince •Cloth merchant •Professor at the Gymnasium of Joachimsthal •Member of the Berlin Academy from 1701. •Professor of Mathematics in Berlin in 1704. In 1667 - 1670 he was at the Court of the Duke of Sachsen-Marksuhl (later Sachsen-Einenach) in Altkirken in the Westerwalt as page and playmate to the Crown Prince. There after he kept himself busy in his father's business but dedicated himself to the study of Mathematics and Theology. In 1684 Philippe, his wife and a servant lived in the rue de Vincent in the parish of Saint-Livier in Metz. During 1685 he, like his parents and other family members, had to leave his fatherland and flee to Hanau via Saarbrüken where he tried to make a living as a dyer and lacemaker. In the spring of 1687 he heeded the call of the Elector of Brandenberg and went to Berlin where he lectured in Mathematics at the Gymnasium of Joachinsthal.
Recommendations by the Margravine of Ansbach, the sister of his princely companion of his youth, assisted him; he received an appointment as Professor. In 1696 he was appointed court-mathematician and Professor at the Academie of the Cost, 1701 as a member of the Royal Society of Science and in 1704 as a Professor at the Ftirsten- und Ritterakademie in Berlin. His scientific works mainly dealt with questions of theology.
Morale évangélique (Berlin 1699,m 2Bde);
[i.e. "Evangelical morals"]
La souverain perfection de Dieu dans ses divers attributs (Amsterdam 1708, 2Bde);
["The sovereign perfection of God in its various attributes"]
Traité de la justification du pécheur devant Dieu (Lyden 1736);
["Justification of the sinner in front of God"]
Examen de deux traités de Mr. la Plazette \endash
["Examination of two treaties of Mr. la Plazette"]
Untersuchung der mystischen Theology (Zerbst und Amsterdam 1713).
["Investigation of the mystical Theology"]
Daneben noch weiter Schriften:
["Beside it yet far writings"]
Meditations saintes de la Paix de l'ame,
["Holy Meditations of the Peace of the soul/spirit"]
Pensees theologiques sur la nature et l'orde des decrets divines (1714) u a "
["Thoughts about theology on the nature and the order of the divine secrets"]
• Occupation. School Teacher and tutor at the courts of dukes and princes in the area.
Philippe married Anna Isnard, daughter of Andre Isnard and Marie Samson, on 4 Jul 1683 in Metz, Lorraine, France. (Anna Isnard was born about 1663 in Metz, Lorraine, France and died on 19 May 1738 in Berlin, , Germany.)
Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.