Birth Notes:
Death Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• General Comment. According to "Resolusie van die Politieke Raad" from Broek, according to register of the Cape congregation, from "Oud-Beyerland" near Rotterdam. He was a son of Schalk van der Merwe farmer in "Oud-Beyerland" and a grandson of Willem van der Merwe from whom the current van der Merwes in the Netherlands are descendant. Departed for Cape Town as "haakbusskutter" on the ship "Dordrecht" at eight "gulde" per month, arriving in Table Bay on the 26th April, 1661. He was initially in service of the Companje's master gardener Hendrik Boom. Burger 5.5.1661, and he was apparently a good farmer because he was praised "voor bequaemheyt als landbouwer" [ability as farmer]. It was mentioned in the Resolutions of the Political Council that he "boulandt heeft gearbeijt" [has worked building land]. In 1663 he again entered service with the H.O.I.K. as midshipman responsible for agriculture. Three weeks before his marriage to Elsje Cloete, he was accused by the rulers of smuggling with the "Hottentotte". He and his father-in-law Jacob Cloete apparently continued smuggling because he was a prisoner on Robben Island due to smuggling and violence connected thereto. In January 1673 his house and grain crop was destroyed by fire. On the 23rd March 1677 he received permission from the Kompanje to again work land together with Pieter van der Westhuizen, this time in "Houtbaai" [Wood Bay], this is the farm Kronendal of which the Cape Dutch farmhouse still exists. This agreement was cancelled and the farm was allocated to him as free property. In 1677 he reaped 60 "mud" grain. On the 7th September 1692 an "erfbrief" [inheritance letter] was issued to him for the farm Kunnenberg, in this "erfbrief" described as "de Kinnenborgh". The farm was measured by land surveyor Heinrich Bernhard Oldenland with a border of 60 "roede" on the Bergrivier and 600 "roede" in the direction of "Babilonstoring" [Tower of Babylon]. His neighbours were Jacobus van der Heiden on "Overveen" and Marten van Staden on "Bloemendal". According to the "erfbrief" the land was already allocated to him in 1687. This statement sounds suspicious, because the 1687- allocations were personally measured by landdros Johannes Mulder of Stellenbosch and Oldenland's measurements started with the 1689 allocations. The farm De Hoop in "Klein Drakenstein" was allocated to Willem's son Schalk Willem van der Merwe in 1692. This was the second farm and not the first to be allocated in South Africa to a van der Merwe. He was the father of 13 children and also the father of an illegitimate daughter, Maria Schalks who married the progenitor Paulus Heyns from Leipzig. Maria's mother was a female slave of Governor Simon van der Stel.
• Web Based Info.

Schalk married Aletta. (Aletta was born about 1620 in , , Holland and died in , , South Africa.)