The Beaumont Project
Utton Family Tree







Catharina van Bengale


Catharina van Bengale

  • Born: 1651
  • Marriage (1): Jan Willemsz Vermeulen
Family Links


1. Jan Willemsz Vermeulen

(+ Shows person has known children.)

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Birth Notes:

bullet  Christening Notes:

Catharina Opklim may be the individual who was baptized on 20 October 1669 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Sources of information or noted events in her life were:

• General Comment. 25 Jan 2012
In researching this marriage, I found many anomalies. I have commented on the anomalies in what follows which in itself is a fascinating read.

The problem is an entry at Geni

In this entry Jan Willemsz Vermeulen is correctly married to Catharina van Bengale and correctly has a daughter Anna Vermeulen.

The most glaring anomaly is that Catharine supposedly died in 1683 and yet her daughter Anna was born in 1686. One of these is a technical impossibility.

There is also an age difference of some 30 years between Vermeulen and Catharina.

I have to conclude that the Geni record is wrong and has confused the Original Catharina van Palliacatta/Bengale/Malabaer born in 1631 in Pulicat, Coromandel Coast, India and died in Cape Province, South Africa in about Mar 1683 with our Catharina van Bengale who was born in 1651. They are two different people.

Our Catharina van Bengale born in 1951 is well researched at:-

Her story:-

Catharina VAN BENGALE some have referred to her as OPKLIM she was born in 1651 . She was a slave from Bengale, India. She got married 7 November 1694 to Jan Willemsz VERMEULEN. Sijn in den huwelijken stant bevestigt Jan Willemse Vermeulen jongman geboortigh van Utrecht met Catarina VAN DE CAAP vry swartinne jongedochter.

The Bengali slaves tended to be bought from the feringhi (Portuguese and mestizo raiders) off the Arakan coast. These slaves were then purchased at the port of Dinga.

India became such an imported part of the VOC trade that the VOC established direct sailing between Netherland and south India, without sailing to Batavia as the custom at first was. There were two sailing routes from the Cape to India, between August and January the ships would sail north following the coast of Africa, through the Mozambique strait and then round Madagascar to India. The other months they would sail east from Cape Town three hundred miles and then head north towards India. The journey to India took about 80 days. The return trip was usually done between the months of October and February.

Who was Catharina van Bengale?

Catharina van Bengale - was the slave Catrijn van Bengale who was 26 years old when sold on 23 December 1677 by Hester Weijers van Lier to her son in law Tobias Vlasvath, for Rds 80. Catrijn was sold with two daughters Martha 6 years and Magdalena 3 years old (Boeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks, p 134).

When was she set free?

She most probably was already free when she and Jan Willemsz Vermeujlen baptised on 27 May 1685, Sybrand. She is not referred as being a slave in this entry.

Hester van Lier, widow of Mostert, sold the following slaves:
16 April, 1681 Manuel and Elisabeth van Angola
4 Mei 1681, Arent saam met die eiendom, tuine, opstal en, baksteenoont van Hester van Lier
5 Mei 1681, Claes Kath van Bengale

The verbatim copies confirmed that she was this slave of Vlasvat, she even used this surname for herself:

VC 39, Vol. 1

bl. 68
Jan Willemsz Vermeule

bl. 100
Jan Willemsz Vermeulen
Catrijn van Bengale

bl. 115
Jan Willemsz Vermeulen en Catrina van Bengalen 5 k.

Caabse District
bl. 135
Jan Willemsz Vermeulen & Catrina Vlasvat 5 k.

t Caabse district
bl. 206
Jan Vermeulen en Catrina van Bengalen

In Resolusies - 14 Junij 1682. De wijle den gewesene fiscaal deser residentie Tobias Vlasvath met de jongst gerepatrieerde retourvlooth na 't vaderlant is vertrocken.

Hester Weijers did not leave the Cape with her son in law Vlasvath, since she married Jan Holsmith van Sitter

Catharina van Bengale had a daughter Martha that was born c1671 the father was Manuel van Angola

Catharina van Bengale had a daughter Magdalena born 1674

Catharina van Bengale had a daughter Margareta born c March 1680, and was baptised 19 April 1680, the father was Jacob van Bengale. This child, Vlasvat gave to Titus van Bengale to be raised.

Why would Vlasvat have given this daughter Margaritha van Catharina van Bengale to Titus van Bengale on 24 May 1680, to be raised by him? When Margaritha was baptised on 19 April 1680, it is stated that her father was Jacob van Bengale, and her mother as Catarina slave of Vlasvath, one of the witnesses were Titus van Bengale. Was Titus van Bengale 'n freeblack and maybe a family friend of Jacob van Bengale.


Hester Weijers father was " Weyert Klimp" it seems that Catharina was also given her owners father's surname "Klimp" became "Opklim".

The witnesses at the baptism of children of Martha Manuels were Jan Willemsz Vermeulen and Catharina Opklim.

Martha Manuels baptised the following children:-
18 March 1691 doop Martha Manuels vir Catharina getuies Jan Vermeulen en Maria Bartende (soos ek dit lees. Dit is dieselfde dag waarop Wilhelmina Vermeulen gedoop word)
4 April 1694 twee slavinne kinderen gedoopt van Jan Holsmidt waer van de moeder is genaemt Martha Mauels, tot getuijge stonden, Sara Claesze, ende Catarina WILLEMS (sic), sijn genaemt de eene Jacob, de andere Helena.
19 May 1695 een kind van Marta (sic), gent Christiaen getuigen Jan Willemse Vermeulen en Catharina van BENGALE (sic)
10 November 1697 gedoopt het kint van Marta Emanuels slavin van Johannes Holsmit (gewese man van wyle Hester Weijers van Lier voorheen getroud met Wouter Mostert) waarvan Christian als vader onder getijge van Louis van Bengale en Bertrice Cornelisse van Coetzien (sic!). Die kind se naam was Johannes.
16 May 1700 een kind van Marta Manuels onder getuige van Jacob Maurits en Catrina VERMEULEN (sic) genaemt Willem
15 February 1705 van Christiaan Mijn en Marta Manuels onder getuijgen van Sybrand Vermeulen en Maria Vermeueln gent. Maria Magdalena.

Ene Martha MANUELS doop verskeie kinders en tree Jan Willemsz Vermeulen en Catharina Opklim op as getuies.
Op 16 April 1681 stel Hester Weijers, haar slawe, Manuel en Elizabeth, "geboortig van het landschap van Angola" vry. Martha Manuels is dus in alle waarskynlikheid die kind van Manuel van Angola en Catrijn van Bengale.

On 24 May 1680 Tobis Vlasvath gave a 2 month old child, Margaretha, which belonged to his slave Catrina to Titus van Bengale.

The child Margaritha was baptised on 19 April 1680 with Jacob van Bengale as the father and Catarina, slave of Vlasvath as the mother.

Baptism of Maurits Jacobsen on 12 April 1682 mother Catharina van Bengale, and the supposed father Jacob Maurits.

He got baptised on 12 April 1682 on the ship Africa by Bortholomeus Heinen as "Maurits Jacobsen". The mother was indicated as Catharina van Bengale and the father was supposedly the skipper Jacob Maurits, "Waervan zoude sijn schipper Jacob Maurits de vader, so men seyt." The baptism was recorded in the Cape baptismal book. The entry prior to this one was dated 28 June 1682, and the next entry as 6 September 1682. This indicates that Maurits Jacobsen was baptised not on a ship anchored at the Cape, but on the way to the Cape and once they reached the Cape it was recorded in the Cape baptismal book. The obvious question is, what was this slave Catharina van Bengale doing on the ship? It is most likely that Catharina van Bengale escorted someone as a servant to the East, and then on the way back to the Cape she must have had this baby on the ship. It is also worth noting that Bartholomeus Heinen performed the baptism but the hand writing in the baptism book is that of ds Johannes Overney.

Even though this child Maurits Jacobsen used the surname Vermeulen, Jan Willemsz Vermeulen was not his biological father.

CHILDREN of Jan Willemsz Vermeulen from Utrecht, and Catharina van Bengale:

b1 Sijbrand baptised 27 May 1685 witness Maria Mostert , X 21 Oct 1708 Susanna van Koningshoven (daughter of Dirk van Koningshoven and the company slave Jannetje Bort)

b2 Anna baptised 8 Dec 1686 witness Anna (most probably Anna Pieters, one time slave of Alexandrina Maxwell) X 29 Feb 1702 Jean Durand

b3 Maria 20 Feb 1689 winesses Jan van Brienen and Maria Loosee (one time slave of Alexandrina Maxwell. Maria Loosee was married to Douw Gerbrandt Steyn and later to Paul Heyns), X 31 Oct 1705 Johannes Rogier

b4 Wilhemina (Willemtje) 18 March 1691 witness Aeltje Ameyde (also known as Aeltje Claesz van Ameyde, she was married to Arij Prinsloo and later to Lourens Heyns), X Jan Jasper Raats

b5 Jannetje baptised at Cape Town 30 Januarie 1695 witness Catharina Niemans van Amsterdam (wife of Christoffel Groenewald)

Only after Catharina obtained her freedom did Vermeulen marry her in 1694. First living with a slave woman and only later marrying her, became a common phenomenon at the Cape.

On 5 November 1685 Vermeulen was prosecuted for illegal trading. Jan Willemsz Vermeulen purchased in 1689 some cabbages from the slave Valentyn van Madgascar who stole them from the garden of Olof Bergh. In 1692 it was reported that Vermeulen was not able to sustain his family, he thus received financial assistance from the church.

Heese, Groep Sonder Grense
AJ Boeseken, Slaves and Free Blacks at the Cape 1658 -1700
Karel Schoeman, Armosyn
H Sutherland 'Slavery and the Slave Trade in South Sulawesi 1660 - 1800' in ed A Reid, Slavery and Bondage and Dependence in Southeast Asia.
GC de Wet, Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nedersetting
Information submitted by Gerda Pieterse, Helena Liebenberg, Lorna Newcombe, Johan Vermeulen, and Mansell Upham on GenForum

The Story of the ORIGINAL Catharina van Palliacatta/Bengale/Malabaer

The ORIGINAL Catharina van Palliacatta/Bengale/Malabaer is thoroughly documented at She was the first EVER woman slave/convict in the Cape. She led a many and varied life with numerous lovers and husbands.

She ended up in the Cape after hittin her lover/husband Claes van Malabar with a ladder/hay ladder/stone bursting his bladder/kidney. He died four days later and she was sentenced to death by hanging/garrotte/suffocation and was pardoned at the last minute and sent as a captive slave to the Cape Colony.

The assorted stories:-


Amongst the Huguenot families there also were people of colour. The first owners of the farm Rust en Vrede were the French family Jacques and Marie-Madeleine De Savoyes. Their eldest daughter Margo de Savoyes married Christoffel Snyman the son of the Free Black burgers Anthonie from Bengal and Catharina of Palicatte. The Free Black farmer Christoffel Snyman and his French wife Margo, as Marie then called herself, became the second owners of the farm Zandvliet, today known as Solms-Delta."

He goes on to say -


Groote Catrijn's status of convict (rather than slave) became blurred after Commander van Riebeeck left the Cape. It is possible that she had become the washerwoman of the Commander and thus remained with the new Commander. Catrihn was housed at the Fort and not at the Slave Lodge. When Groote Catrijn first arrived in 1657 there were only 14 (free and enslaved) women at the Cape. Under these circumstances she became involved with freed slave men and VOC employees and soldiers. She thus developed a reputation. The suspected connection to Hans Schneider, who had a poor reputation as a lazy good-for-nothing, arises out of his conviction for dereliction of duty, when he abandoned his post as a sentry at the fort "to sleep at the living place of a certain well-known black servant girl", no name stated. Hans Schneider was sentenced to imprisonment on Robben Island and then he disappears into history as a person of no significance.

Catrijn had multiple partners over along time and there can be no certainty of fatherhood. Whatever the case only one of Catrijn's children were claimed by a European. The only close and lengthy relationship that she had was with the Free Black Anthony van Bengal. By the time that Catrijn settled with Anthony van Bengal she only had two children with her and a grand-child. Anthony formally took responsibility for these children.

On instructions from the Council of India, Groote Catrijn was later fully pardoned of her original crime and permitted to marry a free black Antjonij Jansz de Later van Bengale on 20th December 1671. Groote Catrijn, her husband, her daughter and granddaughter - with the exception of her son Christoffel Snijman Jnr appear to have all died in some family tragedy sometime between December 1682 and February 1683. Antjonij Jansz van Bengale's sizeable estate provided for the boy's education and a substantial inheritance. Christoffel was the sole inheritor."

Groote Catrijn FROM BENGALS

Born: Cir 1631, Paliacatta, Dravida, India

Christened: 29 Apr 1668, Cape Town, Cape Province

Unmarried (1): Pieter EVERAERTS (Stamvader)

Unmarried (2): Unknown UNKNOWN

Unmarried (3): Hans Christoph SNIJDER (Stamvader)

Marriage (4): Anthonij Jansz FROM BENGALS on 20 Dec 1671 in Cape Town, Cape Province

Died: Between Dec 1682 and Feb 1683, Cape Town, Cape Province

The first documented marriage between European settler and a slave (Catherine of Bengal was one of the first slaves to be freed) was in 1656 at the Cape. (RAB notes 25 Jan 2012 - this appears impossible since Catherine of Bengal only arrived in 1657) Jan Woutersz married Catherine of Bengal '96 Jan was a caretaker on Robben Island and the family lived without discrimination in the community.

Catharina of Bengal also known as Groote Catrijn was a slave from Bengal born about 1631 and she died about 1683. She was a slave woman from Paliacatte, on the Coromandel Coast, India. She was a slave in Batavia to the free woman Maria Magdalena (we don't know whether she had a surname)

She was sexually assaulted on 8 October 1656 by her lover, the slave Claes van Malabar, in a stable at the Fort Rijswijck. In the altercation, she hit Claes with a ladder across his stomach. Claes died four days later since his bladder had burst. Catharine then faced charges of murder and received the death sentence. She was however pardoned, being banished as a slave to the Cape. She arrived at the Cape on 21 February 1657 on the ship Prins Willem. This ship was part of the return fleet which left Batavia on 4 December 1656. She was the first recorded female slave convict at the Cape.

She had 2 voorkinders, one by the ensign and chief of the garrison, Pieter Everaerts from Bruijsaert and one by the soldier Hans Christoffel Snijder (this is the Dutch version of Schneider) also known as Snijman, from Heidelberg in the Palatinate.

Groote Catrijn had a relationship with Pieter Everaerts, who was a high Company official (he served in both the Council of Policy and the Council of Justice), she had his child. Everaerts died 15 March 1664. On 6 September 1665 there are two seperate entries for Company slave Catharina baptising two children Petronella and Anthony (there is greater certainty that Petronella was Groote Catrijn's child)


Petronella. This daughter, Petronella, when she grew up she gave birth to a child also named Petronella (the father was a soldier Willem Jansen), both of them must have died in some tragedy with the other members of the family, maybe some disease.


Susan = 2 Oct 1667

Anthoni = 13 Nov 1667

Hans Christoffel Snijman (also recorded as Christoffel Snijman) was a soldier in the garrison convicted and banished to Robben Island on 30th July 1667 for not standing guard - instead he had been sleeping on a regular basis with Groote Catrijn - washerwoman at the Fort to successive commanders. Thereafter, Snijders disappears from the records at the Cape. On instructions from the Council of India, Groote Catrijn was again pardoned.

VOORKIND with Hans Christoffel SNIJMAN

Christoffel Snyman baptised on 9 March 1669. (He became the stamvader of the Snyman family).

Groote Cathrijn then gets baptised herself as an adult with her fellow slave friend Mooij Ansela on 29 April 1668.

Catharina later married a free black (mardijker) Anthonij (Jansz) (de Later) van BENGALE on 20th December 1671. In a letter dated 6 January 1672 it is mentioned that Groot Catrijn was freely pardoned.

Groote Catrijn, her husband, her daughter and granddaughter - with the exception of Christoffel Snijman Jnr appear to have all died, in some family tragedy sometime between December 1682 and February 1683.

Antjonij Jansz van Bengal's sizeable estate provided for the boy's education and a substantial inheritance.

Christoffel Snyman was the stepson of Anthonie van Bengale.


M Upham "In Hevigen Woede ... Groote Catrijn: Earliest Recorded Female Bandiet at the Cape of Good Hope - A Study in Upward Mobility" Capenis, Sept 1997. Part of a series.


Catharina VAN BENGALE also known as Groote Catrijn was a slave from Bengale born about 1631 and she died about 1683. She was a slave woman from Paliacatte, on the Coromandel Coast, India. She was a slave in Batavia to the free woman Maria Magdalena (we don't know whether she had a surname)

She was sexually assaulted on 8 October 1656 by her lover, the slave Claes van Malabar, in a stable at the Fort Rijswijck (in Batavia now Jakarta, Indonesia In the altercation, she hit Claes with a ladder across his stomach. Claes died four days later since his bladder had burst. Catharine then faced charges of murder and received the death sentence. She was however pardoned, being banished as a slave to the Cape. She arrived at the Cape on 21 February 1657 on the ship Prins Willem. This ship was part of the return fleet which left Batavia on 4 December 1656. She was the first recorded female slave convict at the Cape.

She had 2 voorkinders, one by the ensign and chief of the garrison, Pieter Everaerts from Bruijsaert and one by the soldier Hans Christoffel Snijder (this is the Dutch version of Schneider) also known as Snijman, from Heidelberg in the Palatinate.

Groote Catrijn had a relationship with Pieter Everaerts, who was a high Company official (he served in both the Council of Policy and the Council of Justice), she had his child. Everaerts died 15 March 1664. On 6 September 1665 there are two seperate entries for Company slave Catharina baptising two children Petronella and Anthony (there is greater certainty that Petronella was Groote Catrijn's child)

VOORKIND with Hans Christoffel SNIJMAN

Christoffel Snyman baptised on 9 March 1669. (He became the stamvader of the Snyman family).

Groote Cathrijn then gets baptised herself as an adult with her fellow slave friend Mooij Ansela on 29 April 1668.

Catharina later married a free black (mardijker) Anthonij (Jansz) (de Later) van BENGALE on 20th December 1671. In a letter dated 6 January 1672 it is mentioned that Groot Catrijn was freely pardoned.

Groote Catrijn, her husband, her daughter and granddaughter - with the exception of Christoffel Snijman Jnr appear to have all died, in some family tragedy sometime between December 1682 and February 1683.

Antjonij Jansz van Bengale's sizeable estate provided for the boy's education and a substantial inheritance.

Christoffel Snyman was the stepson of Anthonie van Bengale.


Catharina ia afkomstig van Bengale (of Palicatte).



Born: Cir 1631, Paliacatta, Dravida, India

Christened: 29 Apr 1668, Cape Town, Cape Province

Unmarried (1): Pieter EVERAERTS (Stamvader)

Unmarried (2): Unknown UNKNOWN

Unmarried (3): Hans Christoph SNIJDER (Stamvader)

Marriage (4): Anthonij Jansz FROM BENGALS on 20 Dec 1671 in Cape Town, Cape Province

Died: Between Dec 1682 and Feb 1683, Cape Town, Cape Province

General Notes:

Groote Catrijn was charged with the murder of Claes from Malabar on 8 Oct 1656 in Batavia (Jakarta, island of Java, Indonesia). She hit Claes with an angular hay ladder and hit him until his bladder burst. He died during the night of 11/12 Oct 1656.

On 16 Nov 1656 Groote Catrijn was sentenced to be tied to a stake and strangled until she died.

On 18 Nov 1656 the Governor-General, Joan Maetsuyeker, reviewed the case and found that Groote Catrijn had been sexually abused by Claes and she was pardoned. She was however banned from Batavia and sentenced to work as a company slave in the Cape of Good Hope for the rest of her natural life.



What apper to be the most accurate records found by RAB:-

Catharina van Paliacatta
F, #5248, b. circa 1631, d. circa March 1683
NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695
NGK (Cape Town) Marriages1665-1695 NGK (Cape Town) Marriages 1665-1695
Birth* Catharina van Paliacatta was born circa 1631 at Pulicat, Coromandel Coast, India, .1
Baptism She was baptized as an adult, together with her friend Maaij Ansela, on 29 April 1668 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.2,1
Lovers* From 1655 to 1656 Catharina van Paliacatta and Claes van Malabar were lovers at Batavia.3
Lovers* In 1664 Catharina van Paliacatta and Pieter Everard were lovers at de Caep de Goede Hoop.4
Lovers* In 1667 Catharina van Paliacatta and Hans Christoffel Snijman were lovers at de Caep de Goede Hoop.5
Marriage* She married Anthonij Jansz van Bengale on 20 December 1671 at Cape of Good Hope.6
Death* She died circa March 1683.7
Name-Record An unknown date , the name of Catharina van Paliacatta was written in the record as Groote Catrijn NN.8
Slave Catharina van Paliacatta was a slave at Batavia owned by Maria Magdalena NN circa 1654.1
Event-Misc On 8 October 1656 at Rijswijck Fortress, Batavia, Batavia, Groote Catrijn, furious at her lover, the slave Claes van Malabar, throws a cobble stone hitting him with great force in the area just above his genitals (the presumed target of the blow). His kidney burst and he died days later.1
Event-Misc On 16 November 1656 she was convicted and sentenced to death. Two days later, on the 18th of November, the sentence was commuted to banishment for life as a convict at the Cape of Good Hope.1
Event-Misc On 4 December 1656 she departed Batavia on board the Prins Willem.1
Event-Misc On 21 February 1657 Groote Catrijn arrived on board the Prins Willem to begin her life as the first recorded female convict at the Cape.1
Child-Private* She and Catharina Wagenmakers were New Tag circa 1658.
Child-Private* She and Marritie Pieterz were New Tag circa 1660.
SlaveVOC On 6 September 1665 was a slave owned by the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) at the Cape.9
Baptism She witnessed the baptism of Angela van Bengale on 29 April 1668 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.10
Baptism She witnessed the baptism of Teuntje NN on 2 June 1668 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.11
Baptism She witnessed the baptism of Pieter NN on 3 June 1668 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.12
Name-Record 3 June 1668, the name of Catharina van Paliacatta was written in the record as Catrine NN.12
SlaveVOC* On 3 June 1668 was a slave owned by the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) at the Cape.12
Baptism Anthonij Jansz van Bengale and Catharina van Paliacatta potentially witnessed the baptism of Maria van de Caep circa 1 September 1670 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop,, this witness has not been positively identified.13
Crime She was pardoned for the second time. in December 1671 at de Caep de Goede Hoop.14,15

Manumitted She was manumitted in December 1671 at de Caep de Goede Hoop according to Mansell Upham. He writes that while no record has been found of the manumission, it was confirmed a month later, on 6 January 1672, in a report sent to the Heeren XVII, that she had been pardoned and freed. She was, at the same time, granted permission to marry the free black Anthonij Jansz van Bengale. With this, she became the first company owned slave to be manumitted at the Cape.14
Name-Record 7 April 1680, the name of Catharina van Paliacatta was written in the record as Catharina Anthonii.
Baptism She witnessed the baptism of Elisabet NN on 7 April 1680 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.16
Note* She featured in the attached article by Mansell Upham, published in Volumes 3/97 and 4/97 of Capensis, the journal of the Western Cape Branch, Genealogical Society of South Africa in 1997.17
Family 1 Pieter Everard b. c 1631, d. 15 Mar 1664
Child ?Petronella van Bengale+9,18 b. b 6 Sep 1665, d. c Mar 1683

Family 2 Hans Christoffel Snijman b. c 1645
Child ?Christoffel Snijman+19 b. b 9 Mar 1669, d. 1705

Charts Descendants of Catharina van Palliacatta

1.[S203] E-mails from Mansell Upham (e-mail address) to Delia Robertson, 2001 (Personal Library).
2.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: den 29 April zijn gedoopt na gedaen belydenisse twee bejaerde personen, waer van de een genaemt wiert Angila de andere Catharien, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.).
3.[S400] Mansell Upham, "In Hevigen Woede . . . Earliest recorded female bandiet at the Cape of Good Hope - A Study in Upward Mobility", Capensis (In Hevigen Woede) 3/97, 4/97, Western Cape Branch, Genealogical Society of South Africa, (1997): She and the late Claes van Mallebaerse (during his lifetime the slave of the Honourable Company's stablemaster Sieur Hendrick Christoffel Loser) had already for one and a half years committed vleeschelijcke conversatie as husband and wife.. Hereinafter cited as "In Hevigen Woede . . ."
4.[S400] Mansell Upham, "In Hevigen Woede . . .", We first learn of her child-bearing lot when a moribund, but well-connected, Pieter Everaerts from Cruijssaert made provision for the payment of ƒ150 to the unborn child of Catharina from Bengal - if born alive, otherwise the money was to go to his family in the Netherlands - in his will dated 13 March 1664.
5.[S400] Mansell Upham, "In Hevigen Woede . . .", Regular nocturnal activity on the part of a distracted sentry inside the living quarters of the Fort's washerwoman - the Company slave familiarly known to all as Groote Catrijn - resulted in the conviction on 30 July 1667 of Hans Chrisroffel Snijman.
6.[S392] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar), 1665-1695: Den 20 xber Anthonie de Later jonghm' van Bengalen met Catharina van Bengalen, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Mar).
7.[S203] E-mails from Mansell Upham to Delia Robertson, 2001 "The sudden deaths of not only Groote Catrijn and her daughter Petronella senior sometime soon after (in January and February / March 1683 respectively) . . ."
8.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): [de]n [g.] Maert een soontje van Groote Catrijn wiert genaemt Christoffel tot getuyge stont Step Angila, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
9.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Noch van de Slavinnen kinderen der Ed. Oostjndesche
de Moeder Catharina, diens kind is genaamt Petronella
de moeder Helena, diens kindt Joannes
de moeder Lisabeth, diens kind Anthonij

de moeder Catharina, diens kind Anthonij
de moeder Francyn, diens kind Pietertje
de moeder Ciciliaa, diens kind [Floor]ci
de moeder [H]oddo, diens kinderen Maria, Derkje
een slavinne zoon van W.Mostaart diens naam Sabba, het kind Dirik, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
10.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): an 1668
den 29 April zijn gedoopt na gedaen belydenisse twee bejaerde personen, waer van de een genaemt wiert Angila de andere Catharien, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
11.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): an 1668
Den 2[4/5/?] Juni een dochter van Anthoni Japan en Annecke syn huysvr' wiert genaemt Therintje [Teuntje] tot getuyge stont groote Catrina Comp: slaefinne doch christ., 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
12.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Den 3 Junius een soontje van Angila wiert genaemt Pieter tot getuijge stond. Catrine comp: slavinne doch christen, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
13.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Anno 1670
Den 1[4/9] Sept
een dochterke van Elisabeth van Bangale, wiert genaamt Maria tot getuyge stonden, Anthoni en Catharyn, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
14.[S203] E-mails from Mansell Upham to Delia Robertson, 2001 "Groote Catrijn's legal status was finally clarified ex post facto. In a letter dated 6 January 1672 and despatched to the Heeren XVII, we learn that she had been freely pardoned and released from slavery. At the same time permission had been given for her to marry a free-black, which marriage promptly took place."
15.[S554] Note concerning Dirkje Everts, written by Mansell Upham, 10 Sept 2010 (unknown repository, unknown repository reference) "unknown cd."
16.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): ao 1680
den 7 April Elisabet
de moeder Mary een slave van Antonij van Bengale
de peet dar van was Catharina Anthonii, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch
17.[S400] Mansell Upham, "In Hevigen Woede . . ."
18.[S400] Mansell Upham, "In Hevigen Woede . . .", We first learn of her child-bearing lot when a moribund, but well-connected, Pieter Everaerts from Cruijssaert made provision for the payment of ƒ150 to the unborn child of Catharina from Bengal - if born alive, otherwise the money was to go to his family in the Netherlands - in his will dated 13 March 1664. . . . We do know for certain, however, that Petronella was indeed Groote Catrijn's daughter. This is corroborated in later records.
19.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): [1669]; [de]n 9 Maert een soontje van Groote Catrijn wiert genaemt Christoffel tot getuyge stont Angila, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch

• Web Based Info.


Family Tree Divider

Catharina married Jan Willemsz Vermeulen, son of Willem Vermeulen and Anneken Claes. (Jan Willemsz Vermeulen was born in 1659 in Utrecht, Utrecht, Holland and died in 1713 in Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa.)

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info There will inevitably be errors and omissions and the whole purpose of creating this online record, is to invite feedback and corrections.
The data is specifically for non-commercial use and my clear intention is to build family records. The data may, therefore, not be used in any way for the purposes of financial gain.

Caveat:- Throughout the project UK GRO birth, marriage and death index data appears. The GRO data appears in Quarters. Q1 = January, February and March, Q2 = April, May, June , Q3 = July, August and September and Q4 = October, November and December. Similarly, Mar Q = January, February and March, Jun Q = April, May, June , Sep Q = July, August and September and Dec Q = October, November and December. Where these dates occur, they represent the date of Registration of the event rather than the date of the actual event. Logically, registration occurs AFTER the event. In some cases this may be days or months or even years after the event. The important thing is that the event was recorded and a copy of the document of registration could be obtained if necessary. This also applies to South African NAAIRS records.

Similarly, the UK system is confusing to the uninitiated because registration districts can span several counties. Accordingly GRO locations may not record the true location of the event. They do record where the record is actually kept or recorded.

Caveat #2:- I have used URL's throughout the website as sources. The URLs are often from paid subscription sites so you may not be able to access them without an account. Inevitably there are broken URL's. I have been to every URL recorded here and at the time they were operational. In this regard, the Ancestry24 records are a problem. There are numerous references in the South African data citing Ancestry24 records. Unfortunately Ancestry24 has closed down and these records are no longer available on line.

The early South African records on this site would not have been as good as they are without the work done by Delia Robertson. Where there are website addresses containing I record the citation should read Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. This website can be found at First Fifty Years

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