The Beaumont Project
Utton Family Tree







Abraham Hartogh


Abraham Hartogh

  • Born: 1644, Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
  • Christened: 23 Dec 1678, Cape Town, Cape Province, South Africa
  • Marriage (1): Maria Bellardy on 20 Jun 1683
  • Marriage (2): Anna Elizabeth Henning on 12 Oct 1704
  • Marriage (3): Lumke Thoole on 30 Apr 1724
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1. Maria Bellardy

(+ Shows person has known children.)

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Birth Notes:

bullet  Christening Notes:

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Sources of information or noted events in his life were:

• General Comment. Abraham HARTOG was gebore te Frankfurt aan die Main van Joodse ouers. Hy word op 23 Desember 1678 gedoop en die NG kerk in Kaapstad en word aangeneem. Hy trou 20 Junie 1683 met Maria BELLARDY. Maria Bellardy was die weduwee van Abraham de Lange (Hulle was getroud 28 Mei 1672, maar daar was geen kinders nie). Haar vader was 'n ouderling en diaken van die Engelse gemeenskap in die Zeelandse stad, Middelburg, hy was 'n Engelse godsdiensvlugteling.

Hy trou die tweede maal 12 Oktober 1704 met Anna Elizabeth HENNING.

Hy trou die derde maal toe hy 80 jaar oud was op 30 April 1724 met Lumke THOOLE. Hierdie laaste huwelik was ontwettig want Thoole was getroud met 'n Duitse matroos Thys Geertz. Lunke het as 'n vermomde man matroos na die Kaap gekom het die naam Johan Theunis gebruik. Toe sy met Hartog trou gebruik sy die skuilnaam Johanna Theunis SWITTERS. Hulle het een kind gehad Maria Magdalena wat gedoop was 21 Januarie 1725.


Johannes gedoop 30 Mei 1684

Maria gedoop 12 Desember 1688

Margaretha X 15 April 1719 Johann Caspar Piek

Paulus, X 30 April 1719 Petronella Phillips {sy was die dogter van Philip van Bouton en Susanna van Boegies, beide vrygelate slawe. Philip was van die Indonesiese eiland van Pulau Butung aan die suidkus van die eiland van Celebes. Susanna het gekom van die eiland Celebes(Sulawesi) en hulle was van die etniese groep bekend as Boegies}


Abraham gedoop 23 Augustus 1705

Antoinetta gedoop 21 Augustus 1707

Martha gedoop 20 Oktober 1709

Judith gedoop 26 April 1711

Anna Dorothea gedoop 28 Mei 1713


Maria Magdalena gedoop 21 Januarie 1725


Vir die vrouens wat hulle vermom het as matrose was dit 'n geval van vlegsels afgesny, broek aangetrek, nuwe naam, nuwe lewe. Gewoonnlik op die skip het sy haarself bekend gemaak of iemand het haar ontdek. Daar was altyd die moontlikheid dat sy iemand van haar kinderjare mag ontmoet wat haar geken het. Op die skip was dit dan die plig van die predikant se vrou om haar te ondersoek. Daar was ook altyd die moontlikheid dat as sy siek geword het dat sy dan ontdek was. Die motiewe was baie maal romans, die man van haar lewe sou vir 'n baie lang tyd weg wees, en hy weet nie dat sy kom nie. Daar was sommige wat na avontuur gesoek het, of hulle kon met hulle familie baklei het. Hulle kon gewerk het as diensmeisies - soonmakers en bediendes of as voedvrouw, hulle het geen kwalifikasie hiervoor nodig gehad nie.

Die reaksie was dat die gewone persoon het haar geadmireer. Die owerheid het haar verrag, dit was weens Deut 22:5. As dit 'n geval van bigamie of lesbian was dat was sy gestraf. Daar was altyd 'n groot gelag en nuuskierigheid oor haar. Wanneer sy ontdek was dan was sy van die mansskappe afgesonder en dan was haar geslag bepaal. So ver die wet betref- moes sy voor die Hof verkeer? moes sy geboet word?. Moes sy voor 'n burgerlike hof, of militêre hof verskyn want sy het uitgevaar as 'n man en soldaat, maar was ontdek as 'n vrou.


DP Knoll, WM de Vries en WJ de Wet "Genealogie van 'n Familie met Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Die stamregister van Pieter Willem Adriaan Piek" Familia 1988 Vol 25 no 2

• Web Based Info.
He was born of Jewish parents. He converted and was baptised as a Christian in Cape Town as described above.
He was originally born Hartogh or Hertzog.

Family Tree Divider

Abraham married Maria Bellardy on 20 Jun 1683.

bullet  Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:

• Web Based Info.

Family Tree Divider

Abraham next married Anna Elizabeth Henning on 12 Oct 1704.

bullet  Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:

• Web Based Info.

Family Tree Divider

Abraham next married Lumke Thoole on 30 Apr 1724.

bullet  Sources of information or n events in their marriage were:

• Web Based Info.

Hy trou die derde maal toe hy 80 jaar oud was op 30 April 1724 met Lumke THOOLE. Hierdie laaste huwelik was ontwettig want Thoole was getroud met 'n Duitse matroos Thys Geertz. Lunke het as 'n vermomde man matroos na die Kaap gekom het die naam Johan Theunis gebruik. Toe sy met Hartog trou gebruik sy die skuilnaam Johanna Theunis SWITTERS. Hulle het een kind gehad Maria Magdalena wat gedoop was 21 Januarie 1725.

The English translation of the above:-
He married for the third time when he was 80 years old on 30 April 1724 to Lumke Thoole. This last marriage was unlawful because Thoole was already married to a German sailor named Thys Geertz. Lumke came to the Cape disguised as a male sailor and used the alias Johan Theunis. When she married Hartog, she used the alias Johanna Theunis SWITTERS. They had one child, Mary Magdalene, who was christened on 21 Januarie 1725.

Family Tree Divider

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info There will inevitably be errors and omissions and the whole purpose of creating this online record, is to invite feedback and corrections.
The data is specifically for non-commercial use and my clear intention is to build family records. The data may, therefore, not be used in any way for the purposes of financial gain.

Caveat:- Throughout the project UK GRO birth, marriage and death index data appears. The GRO data appears in Quarters. Q1 = January, February and March, Q2 = April, May, June , Q3 = July, August and September and Q4 = October, November and December. Similarly, Mar Q = January, February and March, Jun Q = April, May, June , Sep Q = July, August and September and Dec Q = October, November and December. Where these dates occur, they represent the date of Registration of the event rather than the date of the actual event. Logically, registration occurs AFTER the event. In some cases this may be days or months or even years after the event. The important thing is that the event was recorded and a copy of the document of registration could be obtained if necessary. This also applies to South African NAAIRS records.

Similarly, the UK system is confusing to the uninitiated because registration districts can span several counties. Accordingly GRO locations may not record the true location of the event. They do record where the record is actually kept or recorded.

Caveat #2:- I have used URL's throughout the website as sources. The URLs are often from paid subscription sites so you may not be able to access them without an account. Inevitably there are broken URL's. I have been to every URL recorded here and at the time they were operational. In this regard, the Ancestry24 records are a problem. There are numerous references in the South African data citing Ancestry24 records. Unfortunately Ancestry24 has closed down and these records are no longer available on line.

The early South African records on this site would not have been as good as they are without the work done by Delia Robertson. Where there are website addresses containing I record the citation should read Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. This website can be found at First Fifty Years

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