Birth Notes:
Death Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info.
• General Comment. David Edelsten was the third son of Alan & Grace Edelsten. His father, a doctor, used a horse to visit patients.[1] In 1952, after attending Clifton College, he attended Sandhurst and joined the 13th/18th Royal Hussars. He arrived with only his horse. He served in the Malayan Emergency and as a Major was in charge of training from 1966-1967. He was second in command of the 3rd Infantry Brigade during The Troubles and played weekly squash. He began writing in 1991 for twelve years with Country Life. He wrote six books[2] and was a member of the Surtees Society.
• Obituary. David Edelsten
David Edelsten, who has died aged 78, was a countryman who turned his knowledge of hunting and horses into a series of well-loved books. He began writing for magazines, reporting on 67 different hunts for Country Life, The Field and Horse & Hound, and discovered a turn of phrase that could make the dullest topic interesting. On one occasion, for an April Fool issue, he wrote so persuasively about the swimming prowess of a new breed of squirrel that an academic devoted several weeks to researching the subject before realising that he had been spoofed.
But it was horses that were the principal inspiration for Edelsten's books, which included The Nearest Guard (2010), about the bodyguard to the Queen (who wrote a foreword) .
David Alan Gould Edelsten was born in London on March 13 1933, after which he always regarded three as a lucky number. He was the third son of Alan Edelsten, a Dorset GP who visited his patients on horseback. Looking for an occupation after Clifton College, he was advised by his mother, Grace, that above all he should not join the Army.
In 1952 he set off for Sandhurst to join the 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own). Having been told that he would require nothing but a horse, he took a train with a box carriage attached to it for Duchess, his Irish bay mare.
He served in the Emergency in Malaya (where he also discovered a passion for polo) and, as a major, was GSO2 in charge of training in 1966-67. He then served twice in Northern Ireland during the 1970s. His second spell, as second-in-command of 3rd Infantry Brigade in Co Armagh, coincided with one of the most fraught periods of direct rule. Despite the IRA threat, he still found time to play squash most days with his commanding officer, both leaving their pistols in the corner of the court.
Edelsten commanded his own regiment in Hohne, Germany, and, promoted brigadier, was vice-president of the Regular Commissions Board (RCB) at Westbury. In 1987 he retired from the Army to return to the Dorset home of his childhood, which he had inherited on his father's death.
He joined the Somerset Council On Alcohol And Drugs (SCAD), a charity that helped addicts in the region. As its director, he displayed considerable compassion and was appreciated for his non-judgmental attitude. SCAD was later taken over by a national organisation, Turning Point.
He began writing in 1991, launching a 12-year spell as diarist for Country Life. He soon branched out into hunting reports, also becoming the magazine's polo correspondent and a book reviewer. Soon he was also writing regularly for The Field and Horse & Hound.
His diary pieces formed the basis of three books: Dorset Diaries (2004), More Dorset Diaries (2005) and Last Dorset Diaries (2008). Two other books about the country followed: Autumn Leaves and Golden Days (2011) and Hoof-Beats Through My Heart. In his own words, all the books comprised observations of "the small patch of Dorset that is within riding distance". Edelsten encouraged anti-hunt campaigners to read them. "I am a great believer in the two factions trying to understand and to respect each other," he said.
Somewhat hard-of-hearing in later life, he took extra care to pick out the sounds of the landscape around him."If I were to be entirely deaf," he once wrote, "I think I would miss more than any other sound, that of the wind in the trees, particularly after dark."
He was a talented chess and bridge player, and his favourite novelists were Thomas Hardy and Jane Austen. He was also a member of the Surtees Society.
David Edelsten's first marriage, to Gillian, was dissolved in 1977. He is survived by his second wife, Diana, and two stepdaughters, as well as by two sons of his first marriage.
Brigadier David Edelsten, born March 13 1933, died February 2 2012

David married Gillian Penelope Wild Mar Q 1962 in Bakewell, Derbyshire, England. (Gillian Penelope Wild was born on 24 May 1941 in Leeds, Yorkshire, England and died in Jan 2005 in , Warwickshire, England.)
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.

David next married Diana F. C. Alexander Mar Q 1979 in Richmond upon Thames, London, England.
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.