Birth Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info.

Joannes married Willemina Albertina Schapers, daughter of Theodorus Martinus Schapers and Albertina Olvers, on 5 Feb 1891 in Breda, North Brabant, Netherlands. (Willemina Albertina Schapers was born on 14 Jun 1855 in Delft, South Holland, Holland.)
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info. Documenttype: BS Huwelijk Erfgoedinstelling: Brabants Historisch Informatie CentrumBrabants Historisch Informatie Centrum Plaats instelling: 's-Hertogenbosch Collectiegebied: Noord-Brabant Archief: 50 Registratienummer: 1244 Documentnummer: 17 Registratiedatum: 5 februari 1891 Plaats: Breda Opmerking: Akte bevat meer informatie.