Birth Notes:
Christening Notes:
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Death Notes:
And She died in the first Smallpox Epidemic in South Africa.
Burial Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in her life were:
General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 1 page 201.
Web Based Info. Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. Regina van Ahrendtsdorf F, #6931, b. 11 May 1692 Father* Johann Andresen1 b. c 1654, d. c 1698 Mother* Lijsbeth Jans1 b. b 2 Sep 1663 NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 NGK Stellenbosch Baptisms 1688-1732 NGK Stellenbosch Baptisms 1688-1732 Baptism* Regina van Ahrendtsdorf was baptized on 11 May 1692 Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Stellenbosch, de Caep de Goede Hoop. The baptism was witnessed by Sophia van den Tempel, Anna Sophia Bosch and Jan Stevensz Botma de Jonge. This witness has not been positively identified but Sophia van den Tempel and Anna Sophia Bosch is(are) potentially the correct individual(s).2,3,1 Birth She was born before 11 May 1692 in de Caep de Goede Hoop.4 Marriage* She married Jacobłs van Eden, son of Jan Janse van Eeden and Maria Rousseau, before 1711.5 Note* She From: Richard Ball Subject: Re: [SOUTH-AFRICA] Who was Regina Christina Deetlof? Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 20:02:29 +0100 References: <><005101c6f098$51a3eab0$6d00a8c0@vanq1jamufc58i> In-Reply-To: <005101c6f098$51a3eab0$6d00a8c0@vanq1jamufc58i>
Hello Ian,
Sunday, October 15, 2006, 9:27:20 PM, you wrote:
IvZ> de Villiers/Pama has Jacobus van Eeden, second son of the IvZ> Stamvader Jan Janse van Eeden married to Regina Christina IvZ> Deetlof. This name or anything close to it (Detlef, IvZ> Dietlef)does not appear in de Villiers/Pama until later in the IvZ> 18th century.
I had a look at this problem by checking what records I have copies of here.
First I checked the baptisms of the two children that De Villiers / Pama lists for Jacobus van Eden and his wife named as Regina Christina Deetlof.
Both baptisms give her name just as Regina Christina - no surname.
Church Register - Stellenbosch Congregation, Palmkronieke facsimile CD
Maria Lisabeth, d'Vader Jacobus van Eden, d'Moeder Regina Christina, getuygen, Ary van Eden, met Maria Rossar, 19 April 1711
Katrina, d'Vader Jacobus van Eden, Moeder Regina Kristina, getuygen Hendrik Loots met Lijsbeth Jansen, 24 July 1712
There does not seem to be any record of the marriage which presumably took place about 1710 to judge from the baptismal date of the first child. The marriage register of Drakenstein does not survive from this period so there is nothing unusual in this.
To complicate matters further, the muster roll at the end of 1711 (VC49) lists them as:
Jacobus van Eeden & Regina Claasina van Arentsdorp
(this is of course a copy of a copy - see my notes here:
But, a deceased estate account (boedelrekening) does exist for the couple (Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/1, 62, date 1715).
This lists the couple as:
wijlen Jacobus van Eeden en desselfs huijsvrouw Regi[na ]Jonkers,
the late Jacobus van Eeden and his wife Regina Jonkers
I checked further and Jan Andriessen, called de Jonker, was married to Lijsbet or Elisabeth Jans. He died circa 1698 and she remarried Hendrik Loots. You will notice that this couple are the witnesses at the baptism of the second child of Jacobus van Eden and Regina Christina.
This seems to indicate pretty surely that Regina was the daughter of Jan de Jonker.
I have put the family with the evidence I collected here:
Richard -- Richard Ball, Norfolk, England NameRecord An unknown date , the name of Regina van Ahrendtsdorf was written in the record as Regina Christina Deetlof.6 (Witness) Baptism She witnessed the baptism of Katryn van Hoorn on 28 December 1710 Stellenbosch.7,8 NameRecord 19 April 1711, the name of Regina van Ahrendtsdorf was written in the record as Regina Christina.9 NameRecord 24 July 1712, the name of Regina van Ahrendtsdorf was written in the record as Regina Kristina.10 Family Jacobłs van Eden b. 13 Feb 1692 Children ?Maria Lisabeth van Eden+5 b. 19 Apr 1711 ?Katrina van Eden+5 b. b 24 Jul 1712
Citations 1.[S204] Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946), pg. 7. Hereinafter cited as Personalia. 2.[S557] NGK Baptism Records Cape Town 1700-1750: Den 11 Maij [1692] aen Stellenbosch een kint gedoopt waer van vader is Jan de Jonker, de moeder Elisabeth, als ghetuijghe stonden Jan Stevenz[e] Botma, ende Sophia van der Bijl, is genaemt Regina., (1700-1750), UNISA Library, Pretoria. Hereinafter cited as NGK Baptism Records Cape Town 1700-1750. 3.[S325] Lorna Newcomb and Ockert Malan, compilers, Annale van Nederduits Gereformeerde Moedergemeente Stellenbosch No 1.., CD-ROM (Stellenbosch) Die Genootskap vir die Kerkversameling, 2004 0-9584832-1-3), Baptism Register, Lorna: Steven Jansz Botma het twee seuns met die naam Jan gehad. Jan Stevens de Oude gebore in Europa, is op 22.2.1682 met Christina Stants van Giesendam getroud en het in die Kaap gewoon. Jan Stevensz de Jonge =23.7.1670 x Christina de Bruin en boer op Vredenburg, in de Moddergat. Hier word miskien na Jan de Jonge verwys omdat hy ln die omgewing gewoon het.
The second witness at this baptism was named as Sophia van der Byl, and in a comment Lorna writes: Sy was of Sophia van den Tempel vrou van Gerrit van der Byl of Anna Sophia Bos vrou Pieter van der Byl (Gerrit se seun) wie soms ook Sophia genoem word.. Hereinafter cited as Palmkronieke I Baptisms. 4.[S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: 1692 Den 11 Maij aen Stellenbosch een kint gedoopt waer van vader is Jan de Jonker, de moeder Elisabeth, als ghetuijghe stonden Jan Stevenz[e] Botma, ende Sophia van der Bijl, is genaemt Regina., transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). 5.[S325] Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms. 6.[S151] J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 2 D-G (Pretoria, South Africa: Human Science Research Council, 1989), p.166 - This name appears in some published genealogies such as this source, but the origins are unknown.. Hereinafter cited as S.A. Genealogies 2 D-G. 7.[S325] Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Katryn, d'Vader Robbert Jans, moeder Katryn Cornelisz, getłyge Regina Arensdorp 28e Xbr 1710. 8.[S331] Webpage Ball Family Records ( "" 9.[S325] Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Maria Lisabeth, d'Vader Jacobłs van Eden, d'Moeder Regina Christina, getłygen, Ary van Eden, met Maria Rossar, 19 Appril 1711. 10.[S325] Baptism Register, Palmkronieke I Baptisms, Katrina, d'Vader Jacobus van Eden, Moeder Regina Kristina, getuygen Hendrik Loots met Lijsbeth Jansen, 24 July 1712.

Regina married Jacobus van Eeden, son of Jan Janse van Eeden and Maria Rousseau, in 1710 in , Cape Colony, South Africa. (Jacobus van Eeden was born in 1692 in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa, christened on 13 Feb 1692 in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa and died in 1713 in Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa.)
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
Web Based Info.