Birth Notes:
Death Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 2 page 240.
Copy of his daughter - Catharina Frederika Loock's Death Notice # 136 in RAB's possession.
LOOCK JOHANN CHRISTIAN (S). - Berlin. Wagon-driver 1777-83, second coachman 1784-85, superintendent at Clapmuts since 1786. After the British Occupation he supported himself as a wine-farmer. In 1803 he asked the government to be restored to his former position as superintendent at Clapmuts. ~ (1) 15.9.1782 Christina Wilhelmina Nel; (2) 7.8.1821 Jacoba Adriana v. d. Burg of the C., wid. Georg Jacob Wiehahn (q.v.) (Stellenbosch Arch., vol. 772). 7 children. One son, Johan Lodewyk, bapt. 1785 in the Lutheran Church, mentioned in G.R. as of unknown parents ~ 14.6.1807 Catharina Petronella Lingenvelder. One daughter, Elisabeth Jacoba, bapt. 3.8.1794, not mentioned in G.R. L. died 2.12.1833 at Stellenbosch at the age of 83. (GMR 1777-89; Rq. 1803: 66; G.R. nr. 558; Test. in Stellenbosch Arch., vol. 664: 5 and Test. O.C. 121: 123-24.)
- Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946)
Hieronder die gegewens oor die LOOCK-familie (p218) Die van was oorspronklik LÜCKE. Die Stamvader was Johan Christian (a2) * 1750 en het ± 1777 uit Berlyn, Duitsland in Suid-Afrika aangekom en + Kuilsrivier, Stellenbosch 2.12.1833. Die Stammoeder was Christina Wilhelmina NEL. Dr Hoge het bewys dat Johan Lodewyk LOOCK in werklikheid a2b2 was. Daar ontbreek egter nog 'n seun onder die kinders van Stamvader Johan Christian LOOCK en Christina Wilhelmina NEL, naamlik Godlieb Daniël Hendrik * ca 1791 + "Windmeul", Bredasdorp 6.7.1868 (Meester Kaapstad Sterfkennis 4525/68) x Martha Susanna WESSELS (b2c2d4e5f6) ~ 5.12.1813. Die egpaar het 13 kinders gehad, onder andere die drie dogters en seun wat met Petrus SWART (a1b3c3d1e1) se kinders getroud het. Interessant dat die dogters van Godlieb Daniel Hendrik LOOCK hulle vader se eerste naam weggelaat het by hulle kinders.
Bogenoemde inligting alles uit. De Villiers, CGS. 1977. Geslagregister van die familieSwart in Suid-Afrika. Pretoria. Raad vor Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing (RGN). Geredigeer deur LCP Endemann.
• Occupation. Wagon Driver and Wine Farmer.
• Will. National Archives of South Africa
• Immigration, 1777. He came from Berlin.
• Children. Records the death of a child on 28/12/1789 at Stellenbosch and burial 30/12/1789 op de Clapmus Post. This seems to be Catharina Wilhelmina.
The order of children given at:- Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 2 page 240 is as follows:-
1) Catharina Wilhelmina ~ 14 Sep 1783 2) Anna Elisabeth 3) Johanna Christina 4) Anna Catharina 5) Catharina Frederica There is no mention of any sons in the above.
Hieronder die gegewens oor die LOOCK-familie (p218) Die van was oorspronklik LÜCKE. Die Stamvader was Johan Christian (a2) * 1750 en het ± 1777 uit Berlyn, Duitsland in Suid-Afrika aangekom en + Kuilsrivier, Stellenbosch 2.12.1833. Die Stammoeder was Christina Wilhelmina NEL. Dr Hoge het bewys dat Johan Lodewyk LOOCK in werklikheid a2b2 was. Daar ontbreek egter nog 'n seun onder die kinders van Stamvader Johan Christian LOOCK en Christina Wilhelmina NEL, naamlik Godlieb Daniël Hendrik * ca 1791 + "Windmeul", Bredasdorp 6.7.1868 (Meester Kaapstad Sterfkennis 4525/68) x Martha Susanna WESSELS (b2c2d4e5f6) ~ 5.12.1813. Die egpaar het 13 kinders gehad, onder andere die drie dogters en seun wat met Petrus SWART (a1b3c3d1e1) se kinders getroud het. Interessant dat die dogters van Godlieb Daniel Hendrik LOOCK hulle vader se eerste naam weggelaat het by hulle kinders.
Bogenoemde inligting alles uit. De Villiers, CGS. 1977. Geslagregister van die familieSwart in Suid-Afrika. Pretoria. Raad vor Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing (RGN). Geredigeer deur LCP Endemann.
This clearly says Johan Lodewyk Loock was a2b2 ie the second born child.
Ergo new order which perfectly matches the dates:- 1) Catharina Wilhelmina ~ 14 Sep 1783 2) Johan Lodewyk 3) Anna Elisabeth 4) Johanna Christina 5) Anna Catharina 6) Catharina Frederica
By deduction the list at appears correct.
Children with Christina Wilhelmina Looch (born Nel) 1) Catharina Wilhelmina Looch (1783 - ?) 2) Johan Lodewyk Looch (1785 - ?) 3) Anna Elizabeth Human (born Looch) (1787 - ?) 4) Johanna Christina Louw (born Looch) (1789 - ?) 5) Anna Catharina Looch (1790 - ?) 6) Catharina Frederika Minnaar (born Looch) (1792 - ?) 7) Elizabeth Jacoba Looch (1794 - ?) Has a son Johan Heinrich Loock. I am convinced this is in error. The Johan Heinrich Loock is probably born about 1755 and married Johanna Appolonia Alje and the remarrried to Henrietta Wilhelmina Baart. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 2 page 240.
I am further convinced that Johan Heinrich is not a son.
LOOCK JOHANN CHRISTIAN (S). - Berlin. Wagon-driver 1777-83, second coachman 1784-85, superintendent at Clapmuts since 1786. After the British Occupation he supported himself as a wine-farmer. In 1803 he asked the government to be restored to his former position as superintendent at Clapmuts. ~ (1) 15.9.1782 Christina Wilhelmina Nel; (2) 7.8.1821 Jacoba Adriana v. d. Burg of the C., wid. Georg Jacob Wiehahn (q.v.) (Stellenbosch Arch., vol. 772). 7 children. One son, Johan Lodewyk, bapt. 1785 in the Lutheran Church, mentioned in G.R. as of unknown parents ~ 14.6.1807 Catharina Petronella Lingenvelder. One daughter, Elisabeth Jacoba, bapt. 3.8.1794, not mentioned in G.R. L. died 2.12.1833 at Stellenbosch at the age of 83. (GMR 1777-89; Rq. 1803: 66; G.R. nr. 558; Test. in Stellenbosch Arch., vol. 664: 5 and Test. O.C. 121: 123-24.)
- Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946)
The above clearly records 7 children. I found eight. However Catharina Wilhelmina died young and is probably not included making it 7 living children. ergo no Johan Heinrich.
Also Lücke, Johan Heinrich, Heesen Kassel, 1775 Once more he is not a son.
It does seem possible that Johan Heinrich Loock is in fact the father of Johan Christiaan Loock.
• Web Based Info.
• General Comment. Copy of his daughter - Catharina Frederika Loock's Death Notice # 136 in RAB's possession.

Johan married Christina Wilhelmina Nel on 15 Sep 1782 in Cape Town, Cape Colony, South Africa. (Christina Wilhelmina Nel was born in 1754 in Cape Town, Cape Colony, South Africa and died before 7 Aug 1821.)
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 2 page 240.
• Web Based Info.

Johan next married Jacoba Adriana Van Der Burg on 7 Aug 1821.
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.
• General Comment. LOOCK JOHANN CHRISTIAN (S). - Berlin. Wagon-driver 1777-83, second coachman 1784-85, superintendent at Clapmuts since 1786. After the British Occupation he supported himself as a wine-farmer. In 1803 he asked the government to be restored to his former position as superintendent at Clapmuts. ~ (1) 15.9.1782 Christina Wilhelmina Nel; (2) 7.8.1821 Jacoba Adriana v. d. Burg of the C., wid. Georg Jacob Wiehahn (q.v.) (Stellenbosch Arch., vol. 772). 7 children. One son, Johan Lodewyk, bapt. 1785 in the Lutheran Church, mentioned in G.R. as of unknown parents ~ 14.6.1807 Catharina Petronella Lingenvelder. One daughter, Elisabeth Jacoba, bapt. 3.8.1794, not mentioned in G.R. L. died 2.12.1833 at Stellenbosch at the age of 83. (GMR 1777-89; Rq. 1803: 66; G.R. nr. 558; Test. in Stellenbosch Arch., vol. 664: 5 and Test. O.C. 121: 123-24.)
- Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946)
• General Comment. The date of 1821 is realistic as Georg Wiehaan died in 1819.