Birth Notes:
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Death Notes:
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info. Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
• General Comment. Paul ROUX gebore omstreeks 1665, was 'n Franse Hugenoot van Oranje wat in 1688 op die Berg China na die Kaap gekom het. Die Berg China verlaat Rotterdam op 4 Augustus 1688 en kom na 'n rampspoedige reis op 4 Augustus 1688 [met die Concord!?] in Tafelbaai aan. Hy vestig hom in Drakenstein en word die eerste onderwyser (aangestel 8 November 1688) sieketrooster en voorleser van die Franse gemeente, Drakenstein. As vergoeding ontvang hy 15 gulden en 'drie realen kostgeld'.
Hy trou in 1689 met Claudine SEUGNET van Saintonge, en na haar dood in 1717 met Elizabeth COUVRET, weduwee van Joshue Cilliers. Paul het nie finansiële bystand nodig gehad nie, en het sedert 1719 die plaas, Nantes, in die Paarl besit. Hy is op 7 Feb 1723 oorlede.
Met die bou van die tweede kerk in die Paarl, waarvan die bouwerk in 1717 begin is, word Roux aangestel om toesig oor die vervoer van skulpe en die breek van klippe te hou.
Paul Roux, die Franse voorleser, koop in 1717 'n stuk grond wat hy Oranje noem. Na sy dood word dit in 1724 die eiendom van sy seun, Jeremia. Hy het 5 seuns en 2 dogters gehad:
1. Paul * omstreeks 1689, boer op Nantes, Paarl X 21 Mei 1719 Elisabeth Joubert weduwee van Guillaume Loret
2. Pieter * omstreeks 1692, x 9 Jan 1718 Susanna de Villiers, d/v Jacob, + 1771.
3. Anne ~ 1 Des 1694
4. Joseph ~ 14 Okt 1696
5. Jeremia ~ 1 Okt 1697
6. Jean ~ 22 Apr 1699
7. Hester x Jan Hendrik Melius
Elizabeth en haar seuns (Kyk ook onder die Celliers-stamvader) sit die wynboerdery op die plaas voort en in 1743, kort voor haar dood, is 10 lêers (5,773 liter) wyn geproduseer. Met tye was daar tot 6 perde, 30 beeste en 200 skape op die plaas en benewens koring word rog ook gesaai. In 1728 koop sy 'n slaaf en in 1743 besit sy vier slawe, een slavin en twee slawekinders. In 1738/1739 toe nog net Elisabeth en drie van haar Celliers-seuns, Josu‚ (b1), Abraham (b7) en Pieter (b8), op die plaas gewoon het, bied sy vir nagenoeg 'n jaar aan die 39-jarige Estienne Barbier, 'n sersant in diens van die VOC wat aan die Kaap voor die gereg gevlug het, skuiling. Nadat hy gevange geneem is, word hy ter dood veroordeel. Volgens die vonnis moes sy liggaam in stukke gekap en daarna in die openbaar vertoon word.
Elisabeth sterf in ongeveer 1743 in die ouderdom van 67 jaar.
De Villiers/Pama
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
GR - C C de Villiers - Vol 2 bygewerk deur Cor Pama
Navorsing deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda)
Mariana Olivier
Married to Claudine Seugnet, 1689
Ester Le Roux born 1693
Married to Claudine Seugnet, 1689
Daughter Ester Le Roux born 1693
Born (probably Orange ,France c. 1665 .
Lived in holland for some time and Came to the Cape on th Berg China in 1688.
Did not accect help offered to the Huegenots in !690 and made his own way.
Married Claudine (Glaudine ) Seugnet c.1690 and had 7 children only 3 of whom had decendents (2 sons and 1 daughter)
Married Elizabeth Couvert,widow of Josue Celliers, both from Orleans in 1871 after Claudine's death.
Paul arrived in the Cape in 1688.and because he spoke both Dutch and French he was made the first teacher in Drakenstein. He was also "Sieketrooster".and
Diaken from !700 to 1712 and took over the sermons when the pastor leftin 1702 ..Kept the French Baptismal Records 1694 till 1707.
Wrote a catechism book that he used for teaching.A copy is in the archives in Capr Town.
Did not own ground and probably lived at a house belonging to the church According to Nathan he was "universally esteemed for character and ability"
In 1688 , 5 members of the Roux family arrived in the Cape,on the Berg China .. 2 small girls , Marie (10) and Marguerite (7) and 3 young men, Pierre ,Jean and Paul. The first 2 did not marry,so Paul was our "Stamvader".
The girls were the only survivors of the family of Jan Roux from Provence.They came with their widowed Mother and sister,Jeanne, (16) from Holland ,but the mother and sister died on board. The boat arrived on the 4th of August. . Marguerite (1682-1726) married Estienne Viret before 1697.
-------------------- Paul Roux was probably born in Orange, France, in 1665. It is thought that after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Paul fled from France, across to Switserland and on to the Netherlands.
As a young man he arrived in the Cape on 4 August 1688 aboard the Berg China, which had a terrible crossing and which claimed the lives of many passengers during the voyage. Because Paul could speak b oth French and Dutch fluently, he was appointed as the first teacher of the new school in Drakenstein on 8 November 1688. His mothly salary was fifteen Guilders and "drie realen kostgeld". He was also the sickness comforter and served as a church elder (Afr = "diaken") from December 1700 to December 1712. After the departure of the deacon, Pierre Simond, in 1702, Paul Roux was responsible for taki ng care of the spiritual needs of the French speaking members of the congregation and also for conducting the sermons. The French baptism register (1694 - 1713) for the Drakenstein congregation was ma intained by him.
Paul Roux was married twice. His first marriage was to Claudine Seugnet in 1690. She was one of three sisters from Saintogne in France, and they joined the Stellenbosch congregation in 1689. Paul and Claudine had seven children, of which only two sons and one daughter had any descendants (see Family Tree). His second marriage in 1721 was to Elisabeth Couvert. Elisabeth was born in Orleans in 1676, and was the widow of Josué Cellier, also from Orleans. Cellier and his wife came to the Cape in 1700 aboard the Reygersdaal. They farmed on De Orleans, in Dal Josafat, where Josué died in October 172 1.
Paul Roux never owned any land and probably lived in a house which belonged to the church. In 1720 he moved to the premises of the new church (approximately where the old grass thatch church (Afr = " Ou strooidakkerk") stands today). He died two and a half years later on 7 February 1723 in Paarl. In his book, The Huguenots in South Africa, M. Nathan refers to Paul Roux as someone "universally este emed for character and ability."
Translated and adapted by André Roux from "Die Familie Roux" as written by Johannes vd Bijl and published in 1978 by the South African Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).
Die peil van onderwys aan die Kaap was laag en Paul Roux, met wie Elisabeth na Josué se dood sou trou, word as onderwyser van die Franse gemeenskap in die Paarl aangestel. Huismeesters is ook deur som mige gesinne in diens geneem en hul vergoeding het meestal bestaan uit 8 tot 14 gulden per maand, 1 tot 2 pond tabak, voedsel, drank, goeie huisvesting en soms klere aan die einde van die jaar. Jacob Naudé wat in 1718 as matroos in die Kaap aangekom het, was eers huismeester by Pierre Joubert teen 10 gulden en n halwe pond tabak per maand en vanaf 1719 tot 1720 huismeester by Josué Cellier teen 1 0 gulden en een pond tabak per maand.
Elisabeth hertrou in ongeveer 1722 met die 57-jarige wewenaar Paul Roux. Hul presiese huweliksdatum is onbekend aangesien die Paarl se huweliksregisters vir hierdie tydperk verlore is. Paul en Elisabe th kon nie baie lank getroud gewees het nie aangesien hy op 7 Februarie 1723 oorlede is, sestien maande na haar eerste man. Na Paul se dood het Elisabeth nie weer hertrou nie.
Paul Roux was n bekwame man wat kort na sy aankoms in die Kaap in 1688 aangestel is as onderwyser, voorleser en sieketrooster vir die Franse gemeenskap in die Paarl, poste wat hy tot sy dood toe bekl ee het. Saam met Pierre Simond was hy gereken as een van die grootste stryders vir die gebruik en behoud van die Franse taal aan die Kaap. Teen die tyd dat hy en Elisabeth getroud is, was die kinders uit sy eerste huwelik almal reeds mondig. Hy het 'n kleinerige plasie Oranje, 2 morg 250 vk roede, in die Paarl besit wat na sy dood na sy seun Jeremie Roux gegaan het. Vir meer inligting kyk ook onde r stamvader Paul Roux. -------------------- Paul Roux was probably born in Orange, France, in 1665. It is thought that after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Paul fled from France, across to Switserland and on to the Netherlands.
As a young man he arrived in the Cape on 4 August 1688 aboard the Berg China, which had a terrible crossing and which claimed the lives of many passengers during the voyage. Because Paul could speak b oth French and Dutch fluently, he was appointed as the first teacher of the new school in Drakenstein on 8 November 1688. His mothly salary was fifteen Guilders and "drie realen kostgeld". He was also the sickness comforter and served as a church elder (Afr = "diaken") from December 1700 to December 1712. After the departure of the deacon, Pierre Simond, in 1702, Paul Roux was responsible for taki ng care of the spiritual needs of the French speaking members of the congregation and also for conducting the sermons. The French baptism register (1694 - 1713) for the Drakenstein congregation was ma intained by him.
Paul Roux was married twice. His first marriage was to Claudine Seugnet in 1690. She was one of three sisters from Saintogne in France, and they joined the Stellenbosch congregation in 1689. Paul and Claudine had seven children, of which only two sons and one daughter had any descendants (see Family Tree). His second marriage in 1721 was to Elisabeth Couvert. Elisabeth was born in Orleans in 1676, and was the widow of Josué Cellier, also from Orleans. Cellier and his wife came to the Cape in 1700 aboard the Reygersdaal. They farmed on De Orleans, in Dal Josafat, where Josué died in October 172 1.
Paul Roux never owned any land and probably lived in a house which belonged to the church. In 1720 he moved to the premises of the new church (approximately where the old grass thatch church (Afr = " Ou strooidakkerk") stands today). He died two and a half years later on 7 February 1723 in Paarl. In his book, The Huguenots in South Africa, M. Nathan refers to Paul Roux as someone "universally este emed for character and ability."
Translated and adapted by André Roux from "Die Familie Roux" as written by Johannes vd Bijl and published in 1978 by the South African Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).
Die peil van onderwys aan die Kaap was laag en Paul Roux, met wie Elisabeth na Josué se dood sou trou, word as onderwyser van die Franse gemeenskap in die Paarl aangestel. Huismeesters is ook deur som mige gesinne in diens geneem en hul vergoeding het meestal bestaan uit 8 tot 14 gulden per maand, 1 tot 2 pond tabak, voedsel, drank, goeie huisvesting en soms klere aan die einde van die jaar. Jacob Naudé wat in 1718 as matroos in die Kaap aangekom het, was eers huismeester by Pierre Joubert teen 10 gulden en n halwe pond tabak per maand en vanaf 1719 tot 1720 huismeester by Josué Cellier teen 1 0 gulden en een pond tabak per maand.
Elisabeth hertrou in ongeveer 1722 met die 57-jarige wewenaar Paul Roux. Hul presiese huweliksdatum is onbekend aangesien die Paarl se huweliksregisters vir hierdie tydperk verlore is. Paul en Elisabe th kon nie baie lank getroud gewees het nie aangesien hy op 7 Februarie 1723 oorlede is, sestien maande na haar eerste man. Na Paul se dood het Elisabeth nie weer hertrou nie.
Paul Roux was n bekwame man wat kort na sy aankoms in die Kaap in 1688 aangestel is as onderwyser, voorleser en sieketrooster vir die Franse gemeenskap in die Paarl, poste wat hy tot sy dood toe bekl ee het. Saam met Pierre Simond was hy gereken as een van die grootste stryders vir die gebruik en behoud van die Franse taal aan die Kaap. Teen die tyd dat hy en Elisabeth getroud is, was die kinders uit sy eerste huwelik almal reeds mondig. Hy het 'n kleinerige plasie Oranje, 2 morg 250 vk roede, in die Paarl besit wat na sy dood na sy seun Jeremie Roux gegaan het. Vir meer inligting kyk ook onde r stamvader Paul Roux. -------------------- Hy was afkomstig van Orange in Frankryk en het in 1688 in Suid-Afrika aangekom.
Is in Drakenstein gevestig en was die eerste Hugenote onderwyser en voorleser.
Hy is oorlede in die Paarl en begrawe in die omgewing van die huidige Strooidakkerk.
Daar was 5 seuns en 2 dogters. -------------------- Paul Roux arrived in the Cape on board the VOC China in 1688. The China was a VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Dutch East India Company, ) ship of some 1124 tons, build in 1676 at the Amsterdam yard for the Amsterdam chamber.The Ship was 160 foot long and 39 foot wide.
It is important to note that many sources give the name of the ship as Berg China, but the official Dutch records only give it as China. The confusion might stem from the fact that the China was captained by a Pieter van den Berg on some of her voyages. Some other researches have noted this discrepancy as well.
Between 1677 and 1691 the ship made four voyages past the Cape of Good Hope from the Netherlands to the Far East and back. It visited the Cape 8 times in total.
Destined for the Cape, Paul Roux was one of 38 passengers, along with 156 seamen and 111 soldiers, aboard the 4th voyage. On 1688/03/20 the ship set sail from Goeree in the Netherlands, bound for Jakarta (then known as Batavia) in Indonesia. They arrived in Table Bay on 1688/08/04 where 29 of the passengers as well as 14 seamen and soldiers left the ship. 20 of the seamen and passengers died on the way to the Cape.
Roux, Paul of Orange, arrived in 1688, the first teacher and " Voorlezer " of the French congregation, died at Drakenstein 7th February, 1723. He married (i), before 1694, Claudine Seugnet of Saintonge (2) Elizabeth Couvret, widow of the Refugee Josue Cellier. He did not require assistance in 1690. On 7th June, 1696, he passed a power of attorney in favour of Rev.Salomon Bernard, minister of the French congregation, and Nathaniel Goutier, merchant; of Amsterdam.
— The French refugees at the Cape, Botha, C. Graham, page:84 at The Internet Archive On 8 November 1688 was appointed schoolmaster and church clerk under Rev. Pierre Simond at the Drakenstein church. He filled these posts until his death 35 years later.
Paul was self sufficient and did not rely on financial assistance that was provided to some of the Huguenots. For some reason he also send money back to Holland in 1699,npossibly for payments to a Jan Cotzee (Coetzee) or Cotzee's wife Hillegond Boonen.
He married Claudine Seugnet, one of three sisters from Saintonge, sometime before 1694.[6]
Paul wrote a catechism book, Belydenis des geloofs, that he used when teaching his pupils. The location of original is unknown, but in 1743 this book was copied by Von Wieding. The copy can be found in the Cape State Archives, G 3/5a.
Between 29 August 1694 and 27 November 1701, Paul kept a register of all baptisms in the Drakenstein church. The origional in French was entitled Liure de Register des Enfans qu'on a Baptize dans notre Eglise francoise dedrakestein.
On the 16th of September 1718, Paul laid one of the cornerstones of a new church to be build in Drakenstein (upper Paarl today).
Paul Roux died on the 7th February 1723.
Paul Roux (Ons Stamvader) gebore in Orange Frankryk ongeveer 1665. Hy was "waarskynlik" die seun van Jérémie Roux. 'n inwoner van Orange. Paul arriveer in Kaapstad 1688 met die "Berg China". Omdat hy Frans en Holland magtig was, waarskynlik omdat hy van Frankryk na Holland gevlug het en eers 'n geruime tyd daar gebly het voordat hy na die Kaap gekom het, word hy aangestel as voorleser en eerste onderwyser van die pasgeskigte skool in Drakenstein skool.
Paul Roux is getroud met Claudine Suegnet in 1690. Claudine kom van Saintogne, Frandkryk. Sy was een van 3 susters wat hul in 1689 by die Stellenbosche gemeente aangesluit het
Uit die huwelik van Paul en Claudine is 7 kinders gebore van wie net 2 seuns en 1 dogter 'n nageslag gehad het. Paul is na Claudine se dood in 1721 vir die 2de keer getroud met Elisabeth Couvert (Gebore in Orleans 1676) weduwee van Josué Cellier (ook van Orleans). Paul is oorlede in die Paarl op 1723/02/07.

Paul married Claudine Seugnet, daughter of Helie Seugnet and Jeanne Pelletreaux, in 1689 in Saint-George-de-Didonne, Poitou-Charentes, France. (Claudine Seugnet was born in 1671 in Meschers, Poitou-Charentes, France and died about 1717 in , Cape Colony, South Africa.)
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info. Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.

Paul next married Elizabeth Couvret in 1717. (Elizabeth Couvret was born about 1690 in Delft, South Holland, Holland.)