Birth Notes:
Death Notes:
He almost certainly died in 1848.
National Archives of South Africa

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info.
• General Comment. Francois Petrus Greeff *1773. aaa NCD 1/14. No 1184 (page one) Transcription of NCD 1-14 No 1184
No 1184 Op heeden den 6 Maart 1800 compareerd voor my Johan Jacob Frederik Wagener, notaris publieq ten deezen Goewernemente in praesentie van de hier nadenoemene getuigen de burgers Frans Petrus Greeff en Pieter Loots als in huwelijk hebbende Susanna Maria Greeff, diewelke verklaarden te constitueeren en op de beste wijse in Rechten magtig te maken zoals doen by deezen den Landdrost der Colonie Graaffe Rijnet de Heer Frans Rijnhard Bresler, spesialyk omme van Heeren weesmeesteren deezes Steede te innevorderen en te ontvangen, zo veel als de Comparanten van weegen de Erfportie van wijlen hunne Moeder en Schoonmoeder Maria Magdalena Joubert getrouwd geweest zijnde met wijlen den burger Juriaan Hendrik Greeff nog per saldo competeerd, daarvoor quitantie informa te passeeren en voor namaaning te saveeren, voorts hieromtrent zodanig te doen en handelen als nodig weesen en gerequireerd voorden zal met belegd van apprestatie en onder verband als na Rechten. Aldus gepasseerd aan Cabo de Goede Hoop, in't bijzijn van de clercquen Johan Coenraad Gie en Jacobus Wilhelmus Truter als getuige.
Getuigen: JC Gie JW Truter
Franssoijs Petrus Greef Pieter loots In kennis van mij JJ Wagener ************************************ No 1184 On this the 6th March 1800 appeared before me, Johan Jacob Wagener, notary public of this Government, in the presence of the hereinafter mentioned witnesses, the Burgers Frans Petrus Greeff and Pieter Loots, married to Susanna Maria Greeff, who declare to constitute and in the best manner to legalise and to do thus at this Landdrost of the colony for Graaff Reinet, Mr Frans Rijnard Bresler, specially to receive from the masters of the Orphan Chamber their receipts, in such amount as they are due in terms of their bequests from their late mother and mother-in-law, Maria Magdalena Joubert who had been married to the burger, the late Juriaan Hendrik Greeff, as are still outstanding; and to issue receipts there for and to preserve for later use, and to do about this matter such as is necessary and required before being vested in the property and under seal as by law. Thgus done at the Cape of Good Hope in the presence of the clerks Johan Coenraad Gie and jacobus Wilhelmus Truter, as witnesses. [signed] Franssoijs Petrus Greef Pieter loots In my presence JJ Wagener
Witnesses: JC Gie JW Truter
***************** by Kevin Cedric Lee: NCD 1/14, No 1184
Statement made
in presence of Public Notary Johan Jacob Frederik Wagener, on 6 March 1800,
by Frans Petrus GREEFF, and Pieter LOOTS who is married to Susanna Maria GREEFF,
who claim their portion of the inheritance of the late Maria Magdalena JOUBERT, their mother and mother-in-law respectively, who was married to Juriaan Hendrik GREEFF, also deceased.
Signed: Franssoys Petrus Greeff and Pieter Loots, in the presence of two witnesses and notary. In the Cape of Good Hope.
Francois Petrus Greeff *1773. aab Francois Petrus Greeff *1773. aab NCD 1/14 No 1184 (page two)
Notes ?Transcription of NCD 1-14 No 1184
No 1184 Op heeden den 6 Maart 1800 compareerd voor my Johan Jacob Frederik Wagener, notaris publieq ten deezen Goewernemente in praesentie van de hier nadenoemene getuigen de burgers Frans Petrus Greeff en Pieter Loots als in huwelijk hebbende Susanna Maria Greeff, diewelke verklaarden te constitueeren en op de beste wijse in Rechten magtig te maken zoals doen by deezen den Landdrost der Colonie Graaffe Rijnet de Heer Frans Rijnhard Bresler, spesialyk omme van Heeren weesmeesteren deezes Steede te innevorderen en te ontvangen, zo veel als de Comparanten van weegen de Erfportie van wijlen hunne Moeder en Schoonmoeder Maria Magdalena Joubert getrouwd geweest zijnde met wijlen den burger Juriaan Hendrik Greeff nog per saldo competeerd, daarvoor quitantie informa te passeeren en voor namaaning te saveeren, voorts hieromtrent zodanig te doen en handelen als nodig weesen en gerequireerd voorden zal met belegd van apprestatie en onder verband als na Rechten. Aldus gepasseerd aan Cabo de Goede Hoop, in't bijzijn van de clercquen Johan Coenraad Gie en Jacobus Wilhelmus Truter als getuige.
Getuigen: JC Gie JW Truter
Franssoijs Petrus Greef Pieter loots In kennis van mij JJ Wagener ************************************ No 1184 On this the 6th March 1800 appeared before me, Johan Jacob Wagener, notary public of this Government, in the presence of the hereinafter mentioned witnesses, the Burgers Frans Petrus Greeff and Pieter Loots, married to Susanna Maria Greeff, who declare to constitute and in the best manner to legalise and to do thus at this Landdrost of the colony for Graaff Reinet, Mr Frans Rijnard Bresler, specially to receive from the masters of the Orphan Chamber their receipts, in such amount as they are due in terms of their bequests from their late mother and mother-in-law, Maria Magdalena Joubert who had been married to the burger, the late Juriaan Hendrik Greeff, as are still outstanding; and to issue receipts there for and to preserve for later use, and to do about this matter such as is necessary and required before being vested in the property and under seal as by law. Thgus done at the Cape of Good Hope in the presence of the clerks Johan Coenraad Gie and jacobus Wilhelmus Truter, as witnesses. [signed] Franssoijs Petrus Greef Pieter loots In my presence JJ Wagener
Witnesses: JC Gie JW Truter
***************** by Kevin Cedric Lee: NCD 1/14, No 1184
Statement made
in presence of Public Notary Johan Jacob Frederik Wagener, on 6 March 1800,
by Frans Petrus GREEFF, and Pieter LOOTS who is married to Susanna Maria GREEFF,
who claim their portion of the inheritance of the late Maria Magdalena JOUBERT, their mother and mother-in-law respectively, who was married to Juriaan Hendrik GREEFF, also deceased.
Signed: Franssoys Petrus Greeff and Pieter Loots, in the presence of two witnesses and notary. In the Cape of Good Hope.
Sources 1.[S168] Death Notice: MOOC 6-9-153 No 2331..
2.[S424] Death Notice: MOOC 6-9-65 No 2386. Pieter Adriaan Greeff.
3.[S426] Death Notice: MOOC 6-9-85 No 5823. Johanna Carolina Greeff.
4.[S440] Death Notice: MOOC 6-9-142 No 8906. Anna Francina Greeff.
5.[S67] South African Genealogies, Vol 2 (D-G), Heese, JA; Lombard, RTJ : 1989, (GISA, Stellenbosch), Page 516 (Reliability: 3).
• Will. National Archives of South Africa
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 1 page 395.

Francois married Anna Francina Joubert, daughter of Izaak Jacob Joubert and Susanna Catharina Van Der Merwe. (Anna Francina Joubert was born on 10 Oct 1779 in Worcester, Cape Province, South Africa and was christened on 10 Nov 1779.)