The Beaumont Project
Solomon and Otto Family Tree

Hans Henrich Maritz




Johann Heinrich Maritz
Elizabeth Catharina Kroisen
Johannes Maritz


Johannes Maritz

  • Born: 27 Mar 1696, Barntrup, Lippe, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • Marriage (1): Jeanne Bernadine Labuschagne in Jun 1724 in , Cape Colony, South Africa
  • Died: Jun 1734, Paarl, Cape Province, South Africa aged 38
Family Links


1. Jeanne Bernadine Labuschagne

(+ Shows person has known children.)

Family Tree Divider

bullet  Birth Notes:


bullet  Death Notes:


Family Tree Divider

bullet  Sources of information or noted events in his life were:

• Web Based Info. Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.
Johannes Maritz
M, #8473, b. 27 March 1696, d. June 1734
NGK Drakenstein Baptisms 1694-1732 NGK Drakenstein Baptisms 1694-1732
Birth* Johannes Maritz was born on 27 March 1696 in Barntrup, Lippe, Germany, .1

Marriage* He married Jeanne Bernardine Labuschagne, daughter of Pieter Labuschagne and Maria Anna Bacot, in June 1724 de Caep de Goede Hoop.2

Death* He died in June 1734 at age 38.3

NameRecord An unknown date , the name of Johannes Maritz was written in the record as Johann Moritz Maritz.1
NameRecord 28 April 1726, the name of Johannes Maritz was written in the record as Jan Maùrits Maris.4
Family Jeanne Bernardine Labuschagne b. b 13 Jul 1704, d. Jun 1734
Children ?Johannes Stephanus Maritz5 b. b 1 Jul 1725
?Katharina Magdalena Maritz4 b. b 28 Apr 1726
?Hans Hendrik Maritz6 b. b 13 Jul 1727

1.[S204] Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806, Archives Year Book for South African History (Cape Town: Government Printer, Union of South Africa, 1946), MARITZ, JOHANN MORITZ (S Maris and Maritz in CJ 1133: 92), original name MARISSE (W. Schmidt, p. 91).-Barntrup in Lippe. Son of Johann Heinrich M. and Anna Elisabeth Kroisen. *27.3.1696 (W. Schmidt). Arr. 1718 as so., loaned as farmhand to Valentin Kleinveld (q.v.) 2.1.1723; b. 1724, a tailor, resident at Stellenbosch, later at Paarl. Johanna Barendina Labuschagne of Enkhuysen, cf. of Pieter L., sister of Jan Labuschagne (q.v. in G.R. nr. 515). 4 children, the eldest bapt. 1.7.1725 at Stellenbosch, the others at Paarl. June, 1734. (GMR 1718-20; CJ 1131: 52; Rq. 1724: 88; Inv. Q.C. 5: 66 and 108; Vendurollen Q.C. 4: 120; G.R. nr. 589.). Hereinafter cited as Personalia.
2.[S150] Edited & augmented by GISA Originally compiled by J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, South African Genealogies 5 L-M, GISA SA Genealogies (Stellenbosch, South Africa: Genealogical Institute of South Africa, 1999), p. 2. Hereinafter cited as S.A. Genealogies 5 L-M.
3.[S150] Edited & augmented by GISA Originally compiled by J.A. Heese & R.T.J. Lombard, S.A. Genealogies 5 L-M, p. 483.
4.[S408] Drakenstein Heemkring, compilers, Drakenstein I Baptisms., CD-ROM (Paarl) Drakenstein Heemkring, 2006 , Baptism Register, Den 28 April 1726; K: Katharina Magdalena; V: Jan Maùrits Maris; : Johanna Barandina LaBuscagne; G; Jan LaBùscagne; Magdalena De Villiers. Hereinafter cited as Drakenstein I Baptisms.
5.[S325] Lorna Newcomb and Ockert Malan, compilers, Annale van Nederduits Gereformeerde Moedergemeente Stellenbosch No 1.., CD-ROM (Stellenbosch) Die Genootskap vir die Kerkversameling, 2004 0-9584832-1-3), Baptism Register. Hereinafter cited as Palmkronieke I Baptisms.
6.[S408] Baptism Register, Drakenstein I Baptisms, Den 13 Jùlij 1727; K: Hans Hendrik; V: Jan Maùrits Maris; : Johanna Barandina LaBuscagne; G; Jan Blignaut; Anna Rùssaù.

In 1718 het hy hier as soldaat aangekom en hy is in 1723 deur die H.O.I.K. as boerkneg aan Valentin Kleinveld uitgeleen. Die volgende jaar het hy burger geword en as kleremaker op Stellenbosch gewoon. Later het hy hom te Paarl gevestig.

Other names for Jan were Johann Maris, Johann Maris, Jan Marisse, Johann Marisse, and Johann Moritz

Johan Henrich MARISSE (word later MARITZ, MAURITZ, en MORITZ) word op 27 Maart 1696, as seun van Johann Henrich Marisse, te Barntorp (nou Barntruppe) Lippe, Duitsland gebore. Sy moeder was Elizabeth Catharina Kroisen, edelvrou. Hy is een van vyf kinders. Sy ouers kom oorspronklik van Zutzendorf, was Rhin in Frankryk af. Hule word lede van die Gereformeerde Kerk (Evangelische Reformeerd Kirche) en gaan dan na Barntorp, Lippe Duitsland. Johann later genoem Jan Maritz, kom aan boord "Raadhuijs van Vlissingen" in 27 April 1718 na die Kaap. Johann (Jan) Marits het, om sy skeepsfooie te kon betaal, hom as 'n soldaat van die Oos-Indiese Kompanjie in diens laat neem teen nege gulden per maand. Hy dien sy tyd as Soldaat aan die Kaap uit, en na sy troue be oefen hy sy beroep as kleremaker.

Aan die einde van 1724 nader hy die waarnemende Kaapse gesaghebber, Jan de la Fontaine en die politieke raad met n versoek om ontslag uit owerheidsdiens. "Veroond met veel eerbiedigheid u Ed. Agtb. seer onderdanigen dienaar Jan Mourits Maairirs....hoe hy supplt. vermeind onder Godes zeegen in staat te weesen met deeselfs kleedermaakers ambagt foor hem en zijn huijsvrouw op een behoorlike wijse de kost te kunnen winnen, ende te aansien des Zupplts. verbonden tijd al voor lange is kommeen te expireere, soo neemt hij die Vrijheid sig in alle nedrigheijd te wenden tot u Ed. Agtb., oodmoedig suppliceerende dat deslevde van goedhied gelieven te sijn hem uijt sComps. diens te largeerden, en als burger deser plaatse te stellen". Hy trou in 1724 met Barendina LABUSCHAGNE van Enkhuizen, Nederland. Sy broers en ander familielede het na Engeland en Nederland gegaan. Hy is n kleremaker van beroep, en het vier kinders gehad.

KINDERS b1 Johannes Stephanus, +Stellenbosch, 1 Julie 1725 x 14 Nov 1744, Elsje van der Heyden wed. van Leonardus Louw xx Kaapstad 13 Oct.1765, Martha Maria Pienaar. b2 Catharina Magdalena = Paarl 28 April 1726 x Johannes Smit b3 Hans Hendrik = Paarl, 12 Julie 1727 x 25 Mei 1756 Henddina Monk, wed. Willem van Wyk. b4 Maria Margaretha = Paarl 11 Sep. 1729 + Waveren. 28 Maart 1797 x Gert Visser

Hy woon na sy ontslag in Drakenstein van 1725-1729, waar drie van die kinders gebore is. Hul vierde kind is in 1929 in Kaapstad gebore. Na 'n huwelikslewe van elf jaar is Barendina oolede en Jan Maritz moet vier minderjarige kinders alleen grootmaak. Binne nege weke nadat Barendina se boedel afgehandel is, is Jan ook oorlede. die kinders is arm nagelaat. Blykbaar het van die Labuschane Ooms en tantes die kinders versorg, Pieter Labuschagne en Maria Anna Pavout.

Die Maritz familie is baie groot en het verskeie geskiedkundige figure opgelewer.



Jan (Johann) MARITZ

* Barntrup Lippe Duitsland 27.3.1696 Arriveer aan die Kaap op 29.04.1718 - Seilskip
"Raadhuijs van Vlissingen"
† Paarl 6.1734
x 1724 Johanna Barendina LABUSCHAGNE
* Van Enkhuizen Nederland 13.7.1704
† Paarl c 1734
dv Pieter Labuschagne *1680 en Anna Maria Bacot * 1680
In 1718 het hy hier as soldaat aangekom en hy is in 1723 deur die H.O.I.K. as boerkneg aan Valentin Kleinveld uitgeleen. Die volgende jaar het hy burger geword en as kleremaker op Stellenbosch gewoon. Later het hy hom te Paarl gevestig

• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 3 page 505.

De stamvader van deze familie was Jan Maritz (of Maurits), van Lippe, die naar Zuid Afrika kwam in het jaar 1718 in dienst van de Oost Indische Compagnie, en huwde alhier met Johanna Barendina Labuschagne.

Family Tree Divider

Johannes married Jeanne Bernadine Labuschagne, daughter of Pieter Labuschagne and Maria Anna Bacot, in Jun 1724 in , Cape Colony, South Africa. (Jeanne Bernadine Labuschagne was born before 13 Jul 1704 in Enkhuizen, North Holland, Netherlands, christened on 13 Jul 1704 in Enkhuizen, North Holland, Netherlands and died in Jun 1734 in Drakenstein, Cape Province, South Africa.)

bullet  Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:

• Web Based Info. Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project.

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info There will inevitably be errors and omissions and the whole purpose of creating this online record, is to invite feedback and corrections.
The data is specifically for non-commercial use and my clear intention is to build family records. The data may, therefore, not be used in any way for the purposes of financial gain.

Caveat:- Throughout the project UK GRO birth, marriage and death index data appears. The GRO data appears in Quarters. Q1 = January, February and March, Q2 = April, May, June , Q3 = July, August and September and Q4 = October, November and December. Similarly, Mar Q = January, February and March, Jun Q = April, May, June , Sep Q = July, August and September and Dec Q = October, November and December. Where these dates occur, they represent the date of Registration of the event rather than the date of the actual event. Logically, registration occurs AFTER the event. In some cases this may be days or months or even years after the event. The important thing is that the event was recorded and a copy of the document of registration could be obtained if necessary. This also applies to South African NAAIRS records.

Similarly, the UK system is confusing to the uninitiated because registration districts can span several counties. Accordingly GRO locations may not record the true location of the event. They do record where the record is actually kept or recorded.

Caveat #2:- I have used URL's throughout the website as sources. The URLs are often from paid subscription sites so you may not be able to access them without an account. Inevitably there are broken URL's. I have been to every URL recorded here and at the time they were operational. In this regard, the Ancestry24 records are a problem. There are numerous references in the South African data citing Ancestry24 records. Unfortunately Ancestry24 has closed down and these records are no longer available on line.

The early South African records on this site would not have been as good as they are without the work done by Delia Robertson. Where there are website addresses containing I record the citation should read Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. This website can be found at First Fifty Years