Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 1 page 300
• General Comment. HARTOG, ABRAHAM (original name HERTZOC ; ? ) .-Frankfurt (Main) . A Jew. * 1644, baptised in the Dutch Reformed Church a t Cape Town 23 .12.1678 and confirmed on the same day " na belydenis " . He was at that time bailiff (geweldiger) in the service of the Company ; in 1685 mentioned as burgher a t Stellenbosch. ~ (1) 20.6.1683 Maria Bellardy of Middelburg (d . of the late elder and deacon of the English community a t Middelburg), wid. Abraham de Lange ; (2) 12 .10.1704 Anna Elisabeth Henning, d . of Christoffel Henning of Fehrbelli n (q.v .) ; (3) 30 .4 .1724 Lumke Thoole of Emden, alias Johanna Theunis Switters of Norden. Children : Johannes (30 .5 .1684) , Maria (12 .12 .1688), Abraham (23 .8 .1705), Antonctta (21 .8 .1707) , Hendrik (20,10.1709), Judith (26.4.1711), Anna Dorothe a (28 .5 .1713), Margaretha, Paulus, Maria Magdalena (21 .1 .1725) . (MR. Vrye Lieden of 1685 ; Test. CJ 1067, p. 209 ; Test . O.C. 2 : 48 ; G .R. nr. 160.) Lumke Thoole came to the Cape a s sailor under the name of Johan Theunis and married Hartog under the name of Johanna Theunis Switters of Norden . When it was discovered that she was the wife of the sailor Thys Geertz she was sent back to Europe, together with her daughter . (CJ 729 nr. 33 ; Journal of 23.6 .1725 . )

Abraham married Maria Bellardy on 20 Jun 1683.
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• General Comment. Genealogies of Old South African Families - Geslacht-Register Der Oude Kaapsche Familien. - Vol 1 page 300