General Notes:
In the Our Old Vanderplanks Family Tree he is recorded as Fox Hunter.
Birth Notes:
And He was 55 in 1851 Cal 1796
Christening Notes:
Death Notes:
And After 1840
Burial Notes:

Sources of information or noted events in his life were:
• Web Based Info.
• Web Based Info.
• Occupation. Woolen Draper.
Woolen Draper.
Woolen Draper.
Farmer. (So recorded in his father's will)
• General Comment. There is a 2nd Samuel Vanderplank who was born in about 1808. He was a carpenter. His wife's name is Anna born about 1812. They had children - Emma, Samuel, Maria, Charles and John.
They went to the USA in 1849.
This is very odd as his children have almost identical names to this Samuel.
However the Samuel in this record would have been 60 in 1849 and is recorded as a wool draper.
• General Comment. He is clearly identified as an Uncle of Bartholomew and John and as Samuel Vanderplank of Long Buckby.
" Samuel Vanderplank, of Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, grazier, the uncle of the bankrupts, being sworn and examined, upon his oath saith :'97 " I have since the month of April last conducted my brother John Vanderplank's business, as a cloth worker, in Bartholomew Close, my brother being himself ill. Large quantities of woollen goods have been brought to and removed from my brother's premises, and no account was taken by me of such goods. My brother's carts were occasionally employed for the removal of such goods, but they were generally called for. I recollect one quantity was sent by my brother's carts, I think to Messrs. Morrison's, in Fore-street, which [188] came back. There are at present two ends of cloth at my brother's premises, belonging to the bankrupts. There are besides fourteen or sixteen short lengths in the top shop at my brother's premises, which also belong to the bankrupts, as I believe (I have only specified the quantity from guess, there may be more or less than I have mentioned). Besides those, three pieces of goods were brought in yesterday, which I believe belong to the bankrupts. Mr. Smith, my brother's servant or clerk, requested me to let them be there, and as I thought he said they belonged to Mr. Baldwin, I afterwards inquired of my brother's carman who brought them in, and he said he had got them from a person of a different name, which I cannot at present recollect, and that he understood they had been sent out by the bankrupts on approbation. 1 hold the documents relating to a ship called the ' Columbine,' which belong to the bankrupts; I lent them £ 6 0 0 on the security of that ship, and for that sum I have a mortgage. The documents are at present in the country, as I believe, but 1 am not quite certain of that. Mr. Thomas, of Tokenhouse-yard, prepared that mortgage; that transaction, as I best recollect, was about the beginning of Ju ly ; I then paid the money over to Samuel Vanderplank. I have had no other dealings with the bankrupts, save that I have had occasionally a short length of cloth, to make a coat or the like, from the bankrupts. I sent in an execu- tion against the effects of Bartholomew Vanderplank for £5 0 0 and interest, a few days since ; that execution was sent in at the suit of my brother John and myself; the execution was sent in upon a warrant of attorney, which had been given to me by my brother John, by way of security against our liability as sureties of Bartholomew Vanderplank, for the sum of £500 , to the Victoria Life Assurance and Loan Company ; but I have not, nor has my brother John, made any payment to the said company on account of Bartholomew Vanderplank, but application has been [189] recently made to me as one of his sureties. I am not in partnership with my brother John, nor have we any joint property. Bartholomew Vanderplank used to keep wine in John Vanderplank's cellar, but I do not know if he has any wine there at present, and nothing shall be removed by or for the bankrupts without the assent of the official assignee. The bankrupts did not, as I know of, keep any books at Bartholomew Close. I know nothing of their affairs further than I have disclosed. " S a m u e l V a n d e r p l a n k ."
• Will.
• Census: UK, 1851.

Samuel married Elizabeth Freeman King, daughter of John King and Jane, on 27 Feb 1821 in St. Mary, Leicester, Leicester, England. (Elizabeth Freeman King was christened on 6 Dec 1785 in Leicester, Leicester, England and died in 1824.)
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.

Samuel next married Sophia Beaumont, daughter of George William Beaumont and Martha, on 9 Dec 1851 in St. John, Hoxton, Hackney, London, England. (Sophia Beaumont was born on 13 Sep 1829 in Liverpool, Lancashire, England, christened on 2 Oct 1850 in Shoreditch, London, England and died on 10 Apr 1905 in Uxbridge, Middlesex, England.)
Sources of information or noted events in their marriage were:
• Web Based Info.
Witnesses:- James Beaumont Sarah Beaumont
• General Comment. Not finally proven. This is the best fit on the timeline.